Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] at this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Children who are struggling at this level will also have problems in grasping more complex aspects of text construction , such as the shifts of voice studied in this paper .
2 such important guest this evening she 's let him into the banquet and of course the guys are dying at this stage .
3 As a mother I am looking at this girl .
4 ‘ We are looking at this matter .
5 A VGA card and monitor are fine if you 're drawing at this level , and are okay for basic painting , although colours will be dithered and appear grainy , which is a problem for photographic retouching .
6 Will you also while you 're looking at this look at page thirty-seven , which is the pollution and nuclear issues control sub-committee .
7 Turn your chairs round so you 're looking at this board .
8 you 're looking at this chain here .
9 well could we perhaps have the agreements in front of us while we 're looking at this point erm , where would be the best place to find them ?
10 Park , you idiot , Graham told himself , you 're looking at this woman as if she was ET , Get a grip of yourself .
11 Yeah , but they 're looking at this tape and they 're saying cor they 're a bunch of fucking thickos are n't they ?
12 And it does mean I know exactly how shitty you 're feeling at this moment , and all the horrible fates you 're wishing down on my head . ’
13 All we are expecting at this stage is modest growth in this half year .
14 But the case is different of course in modes of language use which are non-reciprocal , of which what I am doing at this moment is an obvious example .
15 And if every , everybody brings a friend then you 're looking at fifty people , and I 'm not looking at fifty people , I 'm looking at this lot .
16 The drawing packages I 'm looking at this month have more widespread practical use than the painting packages I reviewed last month .
17 What I 'm doing at this point , actually , is jumping up and forcing the windows open to get some air into the room .
18 What we are trying at this stage , is the extent to which the difference between the H B F's of fifty five thousand , is explained by any technical treatment of migration , as opposed to .
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