Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [adv] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Genomic mapping has yet to resolve the order of coding segments 1 and 2 , or 9 and 10 ; these are assigned tentatively as shown .
2 Many of the species involved are listed internationally as endangered .
3 Two lossy dielectric materials are joined together as shown in Fig. 3.18. determine the voltages across each material and the surface charge density at the boundary if a voltage V is applied .
4 The lists of items in Categories I , II , III and IV are not exhaustive , and it must not be assumed that items of storage not specifically mentioned are regarded automatically as coming under Category I. In general , items under Categories II , III and IV are those where experience has shown that the materials produce exceptionally intense firms with the high rate of heat release .
5 Further regular meetings are intended so as to maintain the vital liaison between the carpet industry , Parliament and government , and to enable carpet manufacturers to voice their concern .
6 Bipedal ornithischians are grouped together as ornithopods , or bird-footed , because of the three-toed feet .
7 On these grounds , Acts of Parliament which inadvertently contradict elements of Community law are modified so as to comply with the European Communities Act .
8 However , such groups possess a wider significance if they are seen either as representing the last stages of a long , discreditable history , or as one of the means by which this history is transmitted into the future .
9 Thus organisms are seen primarily as means by which strands of DNA are reproduced through succeeding generations .
10 On the " substantial " interpretation , they are seen simply as relating to certain terms which if substituted for variables in the relevant propositional schemata yield ( contextually ) true propositions , irrespective of whether or not such terms stand for actually existing objects .
11 These are accepted already as associated with SNRs .
12 One views unusual vertical arrangements with suspicion , presuming that they are made so as to prevent others entering the industry , to raise margins and thereby increase profits at the expense of consumers .
13 And if Pound so blithely overlooks that difference , does n't that mean that we have in him a critic who attends to form , to style , at the expense of what that form and that style are used so as to convey ?
14 The treaty commitments are interlocked so as to create ‘ the component parts of the political settlement . ’
15 Those authorities which are classed here as adapting to the care programme approach either spend some of their Mental Illness Specific Grant to satisfy its requirements or present the elements of the approach ( assessment , key working and review ) as an integral part of their plans for the year in question .
16 The following paragraphs are numbered so as to correspond with the records of the file PMMLIB.GIMMSMAP1 .
17 The redemption terms can also differ between bonds : some bonds have a range of possible redemption dates ( such bonds are known as double-dated bonds ) , and sometimes the actual date of redemption is chosen by the issuer ( callable bonds ) and sometimes by the holder ( puttable bonds ) ; some bonds have no redemption date at all , so that interest on them will be paid indefinitely , ( such bonds are known variously as irredeemables , perpetuals or consols ) .
18 Research students are admitted initially as supervised postgraduates and take a course of study tailored to their individual needs and experience .
19 These journeys , operated by Edinburgh Transport and S.M.T. under contract to Lothian Regional Council , are specified so as to give residents of Ratho an opportunity to reach the nearest large shopping and business centre , which happens to be Edinburgh .
20 As we have seen , the realization of this objective requires that a broad variety of mechanisms are institutionalized so as to ensure that the business of government is conducted in accordance with the rule of law .
21 Cost of sales is also adjusted to reflect these deductions , except that only equal annual charges for debt service are deducted so as to spread the financing costs over the remaining lives of the respective sales contracts rather than the uneven repayment schedules established for the loans .
22 This cost can be direct , for example in the form of additional accounting staff salaries , or it can be indirect , where other activities are neglected so as to put more effort into the final accounts .
23 It therefore becomes imperative that the scriptures be interpreted so as to form a consistent whole .
24 It is very important that the condition be recognised so as to avoid the expense and trouble of investigations and multiple consultant referrals .
25 The additional command needed to specify that areas with a negative data value be excluded and that the class intervals be chosen so as to place an equal number of zones in each class is :
26 As far as possible , the extracts are ordered so as to follow the structure of the earlier chapters .
27 It should be noted that many of the rights outlined above are qualified so as to accommodate existing national practices .
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