Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [prep] the new " in BNC.

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1 Bearing in mind the fact that my constituents want a reliable and quality service , will he take steps today to confirm that the orders that are placed for the new Networker rolling stock will be supplied in the near future , for the betterment of the north-west Kent commuter ?
2 The original estimates are joined to the new ones by lines .
3 The original estimates are joined to the new ones by lines .
4 It doubles up branch and conditional registers and integer and floating point units and a version of the PowerPC , derived from the design , is expected to execute up to four instructions per cycle , although whether those kinds of superscalar performances can often be achieved in practice will depend on how well the compilers are optimised for the new internal architecture .
5 These documents are included with the new guidance in sections 1 and 4 , and have the same status .
6 Changes in occupational exposure limits effective from 1 January 1992 are included in the new edition of a Health and Safety Executive guidance booklet .
7 ( b ) Ancillary rights Where the current tenancy includes rights enjoyed by the tenant in connection with the holding , those rights are included in the new tenancy unless the landlord and tenant agree or the court determines otherwise ( s32(3) ) .
8 Congratulations are offered by members to the following whose names are included in the New Year 's Honours List : .
9 Suspected torturers are permitted under the new law to continue to interrogate detainees while charges against them are outstanding .
10 All Enterprise rooms are located in the new wing and are twin bedded with a private bathroom , and a balcony , a fridge , cooking rings and a sitting area .
11 We are committed to the new North .
12 They are contained in the new Sch 4 to the 1992 regulations , ‘ Form and content of the annual accounts of a group accounts society ’ , and they largely reflect existing accounting practice .
13 Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy claimed the move would deliver to Solaris the three volume chips likely to survive : PowerPC , Sparc and Intel as SunSoft resources are moved off the new Intel Corp version , he said , they would be dedicated on the PowerPC — McNealy said this would be ready in late 1993 and SunSoft president Ed Zander immediately stepped up to contradict him , saying the date would more likely be early next year ; few details were available and it remains to be seen who would use it and how it will be sold .
14 As SunSoft resources are moved off the new Intel port , he said , they would be dedicated to the PowerPC .
15 Approximately half the control intervals in the old control area are moved to the new control area , which is made available either as a result of decisions taken when the file was defined or by extending the file as required .
16 The young working class in deindustrialising , inner urban areas are seen by the new subcultural theory as caught up in a bitter series of conflicts and contradictions .
17 Qualitatively substantial parts of the program code are incorporated in the new program — definite infringement of copyright .
18 The housekeeping departments has to ensure that all rooms are prepared for the new arrivals and when a room is vacated the chambermaids have to change the linen and clean the room ready for the next letting .
19 When the accounts are prepared in the new year the publishing cost per kindred associations will be negligible .
20 Instead of rooting them out and replacing them , we can leave them undisturbed until they are intermingled with the new presuppositions of Christian truth which should be the sole foundation of the Christian 's mind .
21 The problem is that Sun would have to make fundamental changes to Solaris if USL 's Unix SVR4.2 interface specifications are adopted in the new RoadMap .
22 Some organisations have company housing which may be used by employees who are transferred to the new area but have yet to complete their house purchases there .
23 The implication of this three-year transition is that the existing assessment and examination system will be phased out over a number of years , as courses are transferred to the new system .
24 2.3 The implication of this three-year transition is that the existing assessment and examination system will be phased out over a number of years , as courses are transferred to the new system .
25 FISHERMEN in Ceredigion face financial ruin unless changes are made to the new Fish Conservation Act , according to local MP Cynog Dafis .
26 Some of the major points erm of the old Public Order Act are reintroduced in the new Act .
27 Two novels of the 1720s point the contrast in public attitudes to the American colonies of the two countries in an odd way : the Abbé Prévost 's Manon Lescaut and Daniel Defoe 's Moll Flanders are about prostitutes , both of whom are transported to the new world , but Manon dies from exposure in the arms of her faithful des Grieux after walking six miles from New Orleans , while Moll Flanders settles down with her fifth husband to reckon her net worth in cash and tobacco before returning from Virginia to London .
28 Mrs. Proudie makes an immediate impression when introduced to Mr. Harding and Dr. Grantly because when they are shown into the new bishop 's study , they see Dr. Proudie , Mr. Slope and also , to their surprise , Mrs. Proudie ‘ an innovation for which a precedent might in vain be sought in all the annals of the Barchester bishopric ! ’
29 Although it eschews a commercial position , optimised database packages and a transaction processing monitor are promised for the new servers in future and new relationships with Silicon Graphics ' existing suppliers are under negotiation .
30 Up to 2Mb of expansion is available through a single type 1 PCMCIA slot which takes standard memory cards and application cards that are promised from the new Amsoft division .
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