Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] not [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Closed shareholding companies ( e.g. family owned ones ) are obviously not subject to ( involuntary ) takeovers , neither are most mutuals and non-profits .
2 ‘ Yes , I suppose so , but our creations are perhaps not accessible to a trivial mind . ’
3 ‘ We are just not used to this heat , ’ Mike Procter , the team manager , admitted .
4 But I wonder some of them are just not used to having boys around .
5 We 've got all the wrong food for you and you 're just not used to it , are you ?
6 They 're clearly not used to a lot of tourism .
7 ( 2 ) The following classes of cases are usually not subject to the doctrine : ( a ) those which include a restraint which does not involve the convenantor in giving up a freedom which he would otherwise have enjoyed unless the restraint creates a positive duty to do something which restricts his freedom during the period of its operation ; ( b ) those which , under contemporary conditions , may be found to have passed into the accepted and normal currency of commercial or contractual or conveyancing relations ; and ( c ) those in which the purpose and nature of the restraint is coterminous with the purpose of the contract .
8 Management has decided that workers are still not ready to be pushed too far towards Japanese-style working methods , or as one assembly worker at Dagenham put it : ‘ If they think I 'm going to do physical jerks and sing the company song before I start my shift , they 've got another think coming . ’
9 Leaving to one side the possibility of major political and economic changes , most events of the sort implicated in depression are probably not amenable to prevention at an individual level .
10 These attitudes are probably not specific to the South Wales population studied as it seems among the population at large there is a general antipathy towards institutional care .
11 There are many problems associated with the use of teaching accommodation that are probably not unique to Oxford Polytechnic : for example , bunching of teaching in the middle of the week with under-use of rooms on Monday and Friday , and rooms not being used at the booked times .
12 Sales are clearly not due to advertising alone , and it is technically difficult to separate the effects of advertising from those of other marketing activity in order to provide an adequate measurement .
13 They are also not afraid to ‘ take charge ’ .
14 Nationwide says , ‘ Over time , properties develop minor defects , which are often not visible to the untrained eye , but which , if left unattended , can grow into major problems requiring costly repairs .
15 Thus did Darwin conclude that resemblances between species are often not due to adaptation but to inheritance from common ancestors ; while differences are often adaptive and are due to differing , multiple divergences from those common ancestors .
16 Mock solemnity of this kind may seem rather tiresome , just as practical jokes are often not funny to those on whom they are played ( they may often appear to be lightly camouflaged forms of aggression ) , but such jokes were characteristic of the society in which he now moved : it is difficult to imagine him playing tricks on Pound or Lewis , for example .
17 It sounds obvious , but some people are really not used to moving fast .
18 I 'm just not used to thinking about buses . ’
19 ‘ I 'm sorry , C.W. , I 'm just not used to confiding in the people around here .
20 ‘ I 'm just not used to something that looks as though it should have wings and be flying in the air instead of being driven ! ’
21 I 'm just not used to extravagance .
22 I 'm just not used to it yet … ’
23 ‘ I know it 's crackers , ’ she told him unhappily , ‘ but I 'm just not used to trotting around in my nightclothes with … ’
24 With the exception of inventors and entrepreneurs , these players are frequently not distinguishable to themselves or others .
25 He 's the unbeaten American southpaw and heavyweights are simply not used to facing this style .
26 Models of mucosal damage in which a noxious agent such as ethanol is employed are simply not relevant to chronic duodenal ulcer .
27 Although non-restrictive adjectives are therefore not necessary to the entity-identification achieved by the phrase of which they form a part , there is no particular mystery about their appearance .
28 Judges of the superior courts hold office until death or retirement ( see below , pp.200–1 ) — their salaries are charged directly upon Consolidated Fund and are therefore not subject to parliamentary vote .
29 Arbitration clauses are therefore not subject to the UCTA 1977 but such clauses are subject to the Consumer Arbitration Act 1988 .
30 The inhibitory effects of BMP-2 are therefore not due to toxicity of the protein preparation .
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