Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] not [verb] to " in BNC.

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2 The ambiguously worded agreement effectively permitted the involuntary repatriation of Vietnamese " boat people " who had been screened out as " economic migrants " , by providing for the repatriation of those who " while not volunteering to return , are nevertheless not opposed to going back " and according to some officials thereby created a fresh category of " acquiescent non-volunteers " .
3 In September 1990 Vietnam appeared to accept in principle the concept of " involuntary repatriation " , when it agreed to take back " economic migrants " who , " while not volunteering to return , are nevertheless not opposed to going back " .
4 Go on , have a go alright , right I understand exactly what you 're saying Pauline , right the only thing is the wife and I have thought about it and we 're just not prepared to , you know what I mean , we 're gon na have to take a couple of days , because we wan na think it over
5 You 're just not going to be able to maintain your rugby at the highest standard otherwise .
6 ‘ Some of them have caused controversy amongst my colleagues , because they 're just not accustomed to hearing something new .
7 ‘ You 're surely not referring to the one with me in it ?
8 Second messenger gated channels are very widely distributed , they 're certainly not limited to excitable tissues .
9 Furthermore , areas such as wards or enumeration districts used for the collection and analysis of census data are usually not related to administrative areas used by service providers .
10 Women are economic agents , although they are usually not perceived to be .
11 I am still not going to dra I am no I 'm still not going to buy Chrissy any !
12 As a consequence , students are still not entitled to rebates , and the 20 per cent .
13 Erm we are still not going to enough we we need something like just over half a million to do all the schemes er which er and we could do next year and this Committee is going to have to decide there , which er town centres are actually going to be done and which are going to be erm left out .
14 Two more quotations of many hundreds serve to make the point that the distance between the two views is so large that they are probably not going to be reconciled by proof or disproof of the physical evidence .
15 ‘ You are clearly not listening to me .
16 Students are clearly not expected to be able to question the linguistic judgments of commentators from a position of substantial technical expertise .
17 They are also not confined to the black community : Hewitt ( 1986 : 190 – 2 ) discusses at length the speech of a white boy which shows numerous Creole grammatical influences while remaining basically LE .
18 Hayek points to the fact that many social institutions which are essential to the successful pursuit of our aims are the result of customs , habits , and practices which are not the product of design or invention and which , although they govern thought and action , are often not brought to consciousness .
19 I 'm obviously not meant to be rich … he says , pouring himself another beer in Spain ! ’
20 I 'm just not prepared to be contemptuated against or be the object of insinuations , that 's all . "
21 I 'm just not used to lucky breaks .
22 I 'm just not used to this .
23 I 'm certainly not going to er w to say let's give you a trial of this or a trial of that , until we know what 's happened with your chest , so
24 The top-security ‘ dispersal prisons ’ are frequently not filled to capacity , while overcrowding is concentrated in local prisons ( which predominantly house remand prisoners and those on short-term sentences ) .
25 In just the same way , a school full of people who have no real idea about life 's inventor and designer are not likely to make a very wonderful job of sorting out what life IS all about — and they are certainly NOT going to be helped by two unexplained Bible verses in a weekly assembly !
26 It will be recalled that associatives are adjectives of which the properties are specifically not ascribed to the entity of the noun phrase in which they figure .
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