Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Rotherham are right up at the top of the table and they are there on merit .
2 Only when the opposition are right back on the defence or for free kicks .
3 And people like me , who prefer to communicate with words while flinging on random bits of any ‘ look ’ that happens to fit and be cleanish at the same time , are right out in the cold .
4 It you are constantly down in the dumps over the price of fleecewear then this may be the answer to your prayers .
5 First it is a game which creates wealth through the process of production exchange and all players in the game ( i.e. those supplying labour services , property and capital ) are better off as a result of it .
6 The Government 's claim that students are better off as a result of student loans simply is not true ; nor is it true that loans make up for the loss of income support and housing benefit .
7 The snag is , scientists do not yet know whether patients taking the drug for a long time are better off with a little testosterone , or none .
8 Even once a predator has found a school , the prey fish are better off in the school than they would be alone , as has been proved by the following experiment .
9 I share her view that industry , commerce and individuals in this country are better off in the European Community than outside it .
10 Your financial situation can improve , but you may have to wait until next year before you are entirely out of the woods .
11 Guests of Mark and Cynthia Wilkinson are literally out on a limb when they are invited to dinner — because the couple entertain in a tree house .
12 There is something very disturbing about a benefit system which will prop up Mr Deaves until he gets back on his business feet , yet is reluctant to help people who are literally out on the streets .
13 In science , especially the hard sciences , the culprits are normally up against a robust professional consensus that defines excellence , originality , and the nature of evidence .
14 I am just out of the bath .
15 ‘ Tipperary are already through to the knock-out stages of the league and ca n't be caught , but mindful of their pride and arrogance they wo n't be doing us too many favours . ’
16 If you are determined to give up smoking , you are already off to a good start .
17 If you make it a chore or a conflict you are already back on the vicious cycle .
18 The Sandinistas point out that many thousands of rebels are already back inside the country , and that their alleged attacks necessitated the ending of the ceasefire .
19 To go into detail would carry us too far from the main pathway of this chapter , for you will remember that we are already out on a digression .
20 The only championship now open to Falls ' senior side is the PGL Division One title as they are already out of the CIS Irish Senior Cup and the PGL Milk Senior Cup which continues on Wednesday night with the following fixtures .
21 Phil Clarke , Andy Platt , Martin Dermott , Steve Hampson and Jason Robinson are already out of the televised first round encounter , while Joe Lydon is struggling with a twisted ankle .
22 We 've an Italian flavour for our first rugby action of the new season because Gloucester are just back from a two match trip to Venice .
23 I draw a line between investigators and liquidators who are just out on a fishing expedition . ’
24 Unfortunately they are just out of the × 7 field with Hydra 's Head , but sweeping from the Head stars is a good way to find them .
25 and as we 're right up towards the end and now after the bank holiday we 've had lovely fine weather anyway , we got off to the main road and turned at Fibwell traffic lights onto the A twenty one and we got the to end of the dual carriageway onto the tail end of the queue as it started into the road works so I just went over the central reservation and went back down the dual carriageway to the traffic lights at
26 ‘ I think you 're right up to a point , ’ agrees Friday .
27 And they 're right up to a point .
28 Yeah , and they 're only out for a few minutes and they 're fed up out there as well , and backwards and forwards like a fiddlers elbow go on I want to put those lupins in
29 If you have to eat a cold chip , you 're better off with an old-fashioned greasy one .
30 You 're better off without the thing .
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