Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 Fair and accurate reports of proceedings in Parliament are expressly exempted from the operation of this Part of the Act , which also does not apply :
2 As a result , policies that might be considered harmful to the functioning of business , such as a major redistribution of wealth or income , are effectively removed from the political agenda .
3 Those buffoon figures ( related by Cornford to incidents in Punch and Judy plays ) were often figures from contemporary life who are eventually driven from the stage .
4 Insiders are hermetically sealed from the intrusion of outsiders by the assumption of zero labour turnover .
5 The Soviet Union has reclassified three army divisions , all with heavy equipment , as naval forces , and has claimed that they are thereby excluded from the terms of the treaty : a trick the West calls cheating .
6 Those who have been unemployed for three or more years are not asked about their previous employment , and are thereby excluded from the survey .
7 When , it is possible for the horizontal concentration variations to be effectively the same as the vertical ones whilst horizontal temperature variations are much reduced from the vertical .
8 Many are fast-moving and able to avoid trawl nets , but less adept at avoiding penguins and seals ; most of the smaller species are better known from the stomach contents of predators than as independent catches .
9 Also preparing to hit the lobbying trail are Argyll & Bute district councillors , shocked to learn that they are apparently excluded from the Highlands and Islands Objective 1 zone because the district is in Strathclyde region .
10 The press therefore has a field day , the Labour Party is diverted and distracted and all the politicians have joined a family squabble on an alleged matter of vital principle , but it is all to do with power within the Party , so we are entirely diverted from the questions we ought to face but can not face up to .
11 What we do know is that pre-emption means that no fewer than half the power stations ' fuel markets in England and Wales are entirely removed from the danger of competition .
12 To recap , idealized ‘ good ’ relationships ( often the product of fantasy ) are unconsciously separated from the ‘ bad ’ relationships in which failure , anger , depression and other negatively connoted feelings are experienced .
13 A bureaucracy exists when the officials of an organisation are physically separated from the ‘ real work ’ of the organisation .
14 For this reason , Dickens 's creatures are somehow disqualified from the company of great characters , existing rather on the level of caricature .
15 These developments are best known from the chalkland valleys of Wessex , but they certainly exist elsewhere , although they are poorly recorded , if at all .
16 The defender takes up a left fighting stance ( all combinations are best practised from the fighting stance , as this allows a greater amount of protection and freedom of movement ) and faces the attacker , who executes a front kick to the defender 's mid-section .
17 In addition , senior executives are largely drawn from the same narrow background as company directors .
18 His examples are largely drawn from the world of business and the workings of private sector firms but the analysis of hierarchy is particularly associated with organizations acting on the authority of the state , that is with those in the public sector .
19 Torturers die — in agony — hundreds , maybe thousands of times , before their ravaged souls are finally dropped from the jaws of a fearsome and vengeful God .
20 When all the guttering is in place you can start on the downpipes These are generally fixed from the ground working upwards , but you must make sure that you are working to the right line if ( as is common ) the guttering is offset from the wall .
21 These are easily ascertained from the large number of promotional leaflets issued by the organization , and by scanning its journal Interlending and document supply .
22 If you feed in the holes white worms are easily removed from the culture .
23 Common plaice and flounder are easily caught from the shore .
24 His aims are thus established from the outset both to record the evidence he has gathered and to evaluate it for the purposes of determining the truth .
25 Oh no , they 're actually bought from the manufacturers like that .
26 His musical examples are always drawn from the repertoire of this period .
27 Malabsorbed polysaccharides are fermented to short chain fatty acids which are rapidly absorbed from the colon in humans , providing 90–240 kcal/day in normal subjects — that is , 5–10% of daily energy requirements .
28 Because the elite , through their superior wealth , are better able to live up to the so-called modern values , which are all the more costly to support because of their external source , they are further differentiated from the poor .
29 Such analytic paraphrases are usually conducted from the position of a specific ( even though not always openly or clearly stated ) ontological bias ; and often the assumption is made that all purportive references to " non-meanings " in factual statements , in the final analysis , can be translated into references to ontological existents of the preferred sort .
30 These are so strong that , since they are usually sheltered from the rain , they can be used , after judicious refurbishment , year after year .
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