Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since published sources for instrument makers are extremely scarce the French archives provide the best ( and perhaps the only ) opportunity for new research on the Hotteterres .
2 We are just glad the whole unfortunate episode has had a happy ending . ’
3 The other factor we should also bear in mind is the great majority of the people are not only not interested , they 're basically hostile the whole business and I think that members may not have really noticed if they looked at the European newspaper , the highest ever figure , fifty three percent of all the people of Britain are now totally and completely opposed to the whole business of the E C , they do n't think it 's a good idea .
4 Detectives say they 're almost certain the same people were behind the two break-ins carried out in a north Oxfordshire village .
5 Otherwise they 're pretty well the same as an ordinary typewriter .
6 Whilst assistance with cost and redeployment of lawyers is part of the answer to the failure of many people to use lawyers , they are clearly hot the whole answer .
7 I 'm just sorry the whole thing happened and the man who must be embarrassed about this most of all is sponsor Matt Laverty who lent me the bike on Thursday night at practice . ’
8 I 'm really glad the mysterious Matthew Blake is here this summer . ’
9 ‘ Maybe to you , Piper , but I 'm bloody sure the unfortunate bastards at the receiving end of the high explosive do not appreciate its musical talents .
10 Where two points are equally high the leftmost one should be chosen .
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