Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [verb] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The health authority says that with more drugs misuse in society it is vital that drugs-related services and professionals are constantly updated on development and trends so that they could best help those in need .
2 I am merely placing on record , as precisely as possible , the conditions that determined the starting-point of our inquiry .
3 Additional awards are not common as they are only made on top of the basic and compensatory awards in cases where the employer has failed to comply with earlier orders either to reinstate or re-engage an employee .
4 All ‘ mere beliefs ’ are viewed as inferior since they are only accepted on trust or via authorities or tradition .
5 These overruns are admittedly based on cost estimates calculated on the old , target basis , which makes them slightly exaggerated in the PWR appraisal context .
6 All three vehicles have been the subjects of intensive restoration work over many years and are normally seen on display in the Centre 's Matthew Kirtley Museum .
7 For many tests , they are best printed on paper , but for some , Groups 5–7 , the test can be run on the computer screen .
8 Some of the loveliest places in East Lindsey are best enjoyed on foot .
9 Their decisions are largely based on experience , but computer programs are needed to store all the relevant data and assist the decision-making process .
10 These retrospective criticisms of Cockburn and Dearlove are largely based on evidence which has accumulated since their books were written .
11 As there is only limited guidance in the Taxes Acts , these rules are largely based on Court decisions , and include a number of Revenue practices and extra-statutory concessions .
12 Indeed , in his forewood to the book , Mr Justice Hoffman tells how ‘ Like many rival tribes , accountants and lawyers have opinions of each other which are largely based on ignorance ’ thinking of each other as ‘ … pedants who try to confine the realities of commerce within an artificial construction of arbitrary rules ’ .
13 Wolfie puts his political struggle on hold to join a US grunge-rock outfit in another vintage CITIZEN SMITH , then this year 's anti-traveller precautions are finally exposed on SHOW DOWN AT GLASTONBURY .
14 Some are already working on contingency plans to make sure patients in the North-East are referred for treatment .
15 Such a step might not involve a great deal of additional work in the legislative process , since Bills are already accompanied on presentation to Parliament by an Explanatory and Financial Memorandum , which is frequently well drafted and helpful .
16 NOTE -Policy endorsement forms ( showing Endorsement wordings ) are separately recorded on Host — File — Home Policy Endorsement Forms
17 But one of the problems is you 're also reporting on year seven and eight then at
18 A few minutes later they were given a direct order to go to bed — and if you disobey a direct order you 're instantly put on report .
19 SAG vice chairman , Howard Cohen says ‘ it was n't the smartest thing to do , pushing ahead with the specifications , but we 're now concentrating on market requirements . ’
20 I ai n't never get anything else for , when I go on holiday , but I said I do n't even think we 're never going on holiday , mind you ,
21 the American stuff but when you 're arrested you are always arrested on suspicion because in this country you are innocent until a cou a court proves you 're i er guilty , yeah ?
22 You are always arrested on suspicion , a suspicion of something , yeah ?
23 There are further curbs on union activity to think up , a pastime that used to be popular but now looks merely gratuitous .
24 Cold cure lacquers : are usually based on urea formaldehyde and melamine and ‘ cure ’ after mixing with a hardener .
25 These are usually based on removal of attention for inappropriate behaviour like not eating ( extinction ) and on setting the scene for appropriate behaviour by eating only at the table ( discriminative learning ) .
26 The proceedings are usually recorded on tape but the recordings ( and any transcripts ) are not released unless the parties agree .
27 The paintings are usually left on display for three months , then one or two are replaced .
28 The marks are usually found on rock outcrops at the edge of upland moors , particularly in the Galloway , Clyde and Argyll areas of Scotland , Northumberland and Rombalds Moor in Yorkshire .
29 A bit sentimental ( let's face it , two 35-year-olds mooching down the aisle are hardly embarking on life 's first great adventure ) but pleasant enough .
30 Differences are partly based on size : the two species of Proconsul from Rusinga Island are estimated at 9kg and 26–38kg based on good postcranial evidence .
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