Example sentences of "[am/are] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Von Tunzelmann , remarking that prices had the greater influence on real wage trends over this period , finds that the indices available are much closer to each other than they are for the periods on either side .
2 Most of the meetings are for the purposes of electing Elders and Deacons ; selecting dates for Communion and purging and adding to the roll in preparation ; electing a representative in the Presbytery and Synod ; and acting as a court of discipline .
3 There are several reasons why you might want to use a data compression utility ; the main two are for the purposes of backup , or for sending files to someone else , either on a disk or via a modem .
4 It is obvious , argues Cutler , how suitable these characteristics are for the needs of bourgeois society .
5 All Welsh counties for instance are limited to increasing their budgets of one point seven on point seven five percent over nineteen ninety three , ninety four are as the cities of Cardiff and Swansea and the borough of Newport and it is this cap of one point seven percent as my honourable friend for Cardiff South and Penarth has pointed out , which is at the route of the funding problems of the South Wales police authority area .
6 When you no longer have children dependent on you — and provided you are between the ages of 40 and 60 — you are eligible for a widow 's pension .
7 The majority of carers are between the ages of forty and sixty , with some eight per cent under forty .
8 If you are between the ages of 36 and 45 , the maximum is 20 per cent .
9 If you are between the ages of 46 and 50 , the amount is 25 per cent .
10 If you are between the ages of 51 and 55 , you can pay 30 per cent .
11 If you are between the ages of 56 and 60 , the maximum is 35 per cent .
12 They are about the lives of women in Bengal .
13 Long ago , in the heyday of Cambridge English , Richards was making a similar distinction between the ‘ critical ’ and the ‘ technical ’ : ‘ All remarks as to the ways and means by which experiences arise or are brought about are technical , but critical remarks are about the values of experiences and the reasons for regarding them as valuable , or not valuable . ’
14 Here again policy and practice in the inner city are as much about the way we chose to conceptualise social problems as they are about the experiences of inner city communities themselves .
15 While a formal prospectus is normally issued for each degree course , such statements vary considerably in the amount of detail they give , and how explicit they are about the aims of the course .
16 They are as worried as we are about the implications for the people of this country .
17 These two books are about the ways in which two important groups of mammals — the ruminants and the marsupials — utilise different food resources .
18 you go up along drive in and Newminster is on your left and Chantry is on your right , at , but I should imagine erm I should imagine that quite a lot of Chantry School children would be sent home because they 're for the children outside of Morpeth , you know they go there from
19 They 're like the arms of the same monster . ’
20 Sometimes — on ‘ Love ’ — they 're like the Pixies on a dump-truck full of downers .
21 They 're like the emperors of old : they do n't like bad news , so their servants make sure the truth never gets through to them .
22 The matters for discussion are s spelt out but just so that you 're under no illusions to what we are aiming to talk about , first issue , first matter is is the proposed provision and distribution of employment land for district councils and Greater York , the reason bearing in mind the need to provide sufficient land for employment in appropriate locations and the second matter is what effect if any will the proposed scale on provision have on adjoining areas in West Yorkshire .
23 Erm I think what we have to do in particular as , as , as full time officers is , is probably try and er and erm chase things up although they they 're within the realms of the respo the respective LEC 's but to try and make sure that they do get some clearer , if not confirmed , insight into re in relation to the contribution aspect .
24 Now you 're from the Troops Out movement .
25 Most training jumps are done from a height of 12,000 feet ; any higher and you need oxygen and you 're in the realms of military freefall , which is just what we 'll be looking at in part 3 of Free fall USA .
26 By the time she 's cleared the jam , they 're in the outskirts of Bournemouth .
27 I think that 's one of the purposes Mr chairman also of the , of the educational seminar that we 're in the throes of organizing , to actually to do that .
28 I did in fact attempt to return your telephone call , but when I rang you were out , and our current panic ( we 're in the throes of mounting our summer exhibition ) prevented me from getting back to you before your letter reached me .
29 Unperturbed , he said , ‘ When you 're in the throes of passion I might be able to make you admit to it yet .
30 Erm this whole problem does give ministers erm a great deal of tension and heart searching erm and er we 're in the throws of , of , of looking for a leaflet that 's gon na help ministers faced with er parents who come and have to be turned away because we feel embarrassed , we feel erm the weight of our , our turning away people and our inability to minister the grace of God to them , although I 'd of thought gravity of but er anyway erm er but we have this problem and erm it seems to me that one way out of it is to pick up on what our brother from the Church of England said and look at new rites , and new ways in which we can open our arms to a public out there which is desperately in need of rites of passage .
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