Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [verb] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 In Egypt , attacks by Islamic extremists are widely condemned by all parties , and the people stand firm behind the government .
2 One training organisation , which had taken a twenty three percent cut in funds in 1990 ninety one , had to take a further twenty percent cut this year , and the people who are worst affected by these cuts were the very people that the Tory Party had been crying crocodile tears over for so long .
3 Women are most affected by this change as they are much more likely than men to receive money from a part-time job while unemployed ( Erens and Hedges , 1990 ) .
4 There is another problem when it comes to applying market prices to environmental capital : the pieces of green environment that are most treasured by most people are their gardens .
5 We are sworn to protect the Führer and yet are constantly threatened by this conspiracy of generals . ’
6 They are much used by those on their way to shops , schools or work , especially in the summer months , but they do not meet the needs of large numbers of pedestrians in a variety of ways , such as their uneven or discontinuous walking surfaces , lack of lighting , limited destinations served and so forth .
7 Direct Debits are an ideal way of collecting large volumes of low value receipts and are greatly favoured by many institutions such as local authorities and building societies .
8 ‘ We are greatly honoured by these distinctions since we have truly dedicated all our lives , with passion , to the knowledge and diffusion of Italian art ’ .
9 When we are young we are greatly affected by those around us — not simply by what they do but by their attitudes and beliefs .
10 The nature of Burne-Jones 's aims and predilections in art are well-enough known by this time , and have been defined by himself absolutely fitted to this thought : ‘ I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was , never will be — in a light better than any light that ever shone — in a land no one can define or remember , only desire . ’
11 This has sometimes led to social divisions between newcomers and locals , as mentioned in chapter 1 , although the more remote rural areas are less affected by this influx than the accessible countryside .
12 Therefore one step length corresponds to a quarter tooth pitch and the four static torque/rotor position characteristics are mutually displaced by this distance , as shown in Fig. 3.6(a) .
13 As I am constantly told by many who get in touch with me , uncertainty and delay would be damaging to the whole of the further and higher education sector .
14 The third image pictures the state in liberal democratic societies as a corporatist network , integrated with external elites into a single control system : here talk of external control versus state autonomy is irrelevant , for state and economic elites are so interpenetrated by each others ' concerns that no sensible boundary line or balance of influence can be drawn .
15 Some children brought up in institutions are so damaged by these experiences that they can not live in a family where they have to respond to others ' feelings and may escape into work in an institutional setting .
16 Some schools are so overburdened by all this activity that they have been forced to draft in extra staff to deal with the more mundane aspects of education — like teaching children .
17 The symptoms may seem trivial : dirty buildings or badly prepared and unimaginatively-presented food , but Hungary or Czechoslovakia are not inherently poor countries and their peoples are merely insulted by such decay .
18 Although we can not honestly say that those who unsuccessfully oppose a particular decision or policy consent to that decision or policy when it is carried out despite their opposition , we can say that they are nevertheless bound by that decision in so far as they accept both the principle of majority decisions and the fairness of the procedures through which the decision is reached or the policy made .
19 What it felt like to be on the receiving end of such operations and the hammering which the landscape endured in those early years of the nineteenth century are painfully conveyed by another poet whose roots were in the East Midlands .
20 Descriptors are normally accompanied by some display of relationships between them and other words in the indexing language .
21 His attitudes are best illustrated by this typical passage from Thucydides ( iv.83 : 424 BC ; the details of the diplomacy are irrelevant ) : Perdikkas ' diplomacy was subtler than just pitting Athens against Sparta and conversely : before the great Peloponnesian War broke out he shrewdly persuaded the Greek cities near Olynthus to coalesce into a federation ; this was an act designed to weaken the greater confederacy of the Delian League , since Athens ' policy ( Thuc. iii .
22 The high proportion of false negative results obtained emphasises that imaging studies on infants are best done by those who perform them regularly and have developed skill in paediatric diagnostic imaging .
23 But if I am not misled by this convention , it will in my own case be sufficient grounds for choice that it is the impulse to abstain which prevails when I am fully aware of the danger .
24 I am not persuaded by either of these arguments . ’
25 It is unhistorical to assume that children in the last century responded to death in the same way as children today ; children 's attitudes are largely conditioned by those of adults , and in our day the usual adult attitude is to evade the subject of death , to treat it as ‘ morbid ’ and , so far as possible , to exclude it from the home .
26 The numbers in each year are progressively multiplied by some survival ratio to forecast the number going on to the next year , with ancillary information added in as appropriate .
27 Instead , ways of doing the job are broadly guided by some vaguely interpreted principles about what the organization 's legal mandate is supposed to be and organized by the experience they acquire from their membership of an enforcement bureaucracy .
28 Low value consignments are easily covered by this facility , but for the haulier carrying a more valuable load , such as video equipment or other luxury consumer durables , additional cover has to be taken .
29 So while crickets , grasshoppers and cicadas are easily heard by such creatures as ourselves , these same airborne vibrations may actually be seen , as well as heard , by the fellow members of their own species , much as we are able to see the air shimmering with heat as it rises off hot rocks .
30 It has been found , however , that the corrosive effects of digestion on bones and teeth in the predator 's stomach are not duplicated by any other alteration process and so may be used to identify bone assemblages derived from predators .
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