Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Neither of these two methods , both of which are widely implemented on almost every computer architecture , addresses the third artform , technical illustration .
2 Specialist skills , apart from technology/computerization , did not figure very highly or very uniformly in responses , perhaps because it is felt that these are widely catered for already .
3 Sections 2 – 3 are expressly restricted to legally enforceable liabilities .
4 If this religion becomes the powerful complement to lawfully elected government , which would be a very desirable development , then those decisions would settle many controversial issues which at present are successfully resolved by neither statute-law , nor , to the slightest degree by a respected and accepted moral code .
5 Radical elite theory 's machine model presupposes that both party and state organizations are effectively controlled by socially dominant elites .
6 The House must retain control of those aspects of our national life that are properly dealt with here : above all , we must retain responsibility for key decisions about foreign policy and defence , and the issues of war and peace .
7 Below these , immediately above the village of l'Écluse , in the hollow either side of the D386 , the vines are mostly grown at below 100 metres , and the wines from here had a considerable reputation in the past .
8 Upstairs , the two 18th century bedrooms are elegantly furnished with exquisitely embroidered bed hangings and period items such as a spinning wheel , an embroidered waistcoat , shoes and samplers .
9 She 's very shaken and her arms are badly bruised from where the men held her .
10 It is true that policy blueprints are rarely carried through perfectly .
11 Because trustees are rarely dealt with specifically in the income tax code , it is critical to look at the appropriate taxing section ( eg TA 1988 , s15 in the case of Schedule A and s18 in the case of Schedule D ) in order to ascertain the particular liability in a given situation .
12 Competitors are rarely accused of deliberately killing a kinsman , though they might well be accused of inadvertently doing so .
13 Er er I d I do n't think that we as a panel are necessarily going to ever and and and it may not be our role in fact to do so , to come to a judgement on it , but I would have thought as a matter of common sense , and common agreement , that there should be some er way in which the various parties would come together on the basic demographic statistics and would certainly accept that certain basic projections should be used i in looking forward .
14 English anglers have dominated the Gland Slam in recent years but the Eastern Europeans are highly regarded with both Poland and Czechoslovakia former winners of the world championship .
15 Geldings tend to be much wetter , therefore are better put in well drained stables .
16 For example , in the New World the largely tropical groups , the cotingas and manikins. are together represented by only 140 species , whereas there are 370 species of flycatcher ( Tyrannidae ) and 220 species of antbird ( Formicariidae ) .
17 Daumier is famous for his satirical lithographs ; his equally good drawings and watercolours are less known as so many of them are in private collections .
18 In effect his powers are somewhat circumscribed by both tradition and the organisational pattern of local government which developed in England and Wales following upon the Education Act of 1870 and the reshaping of local government in 1888 .
19 A further problem is that although we should be glad that speed control measures are encouraged more strongly than they were in 1977 , they are only applied to very small developments .
20 Knowledge , teaching and learning are only justified in so far as they contribute to that much more ambitious end .
21 Projected profiles consist of drawing the first section completely , while parallel sections behind the first are only drawn in so far as they project above earlier sections ( Fig. 9.17 ) .
22 However , as most of you are only used to leisurely paddling for an hour or two in low drag vessels , please consider your decision carefully ; rafting is physically and mentally demanding and pushes mind and body to the limit .
23 Genetical evolution is necessarily slow , because genes are only passed on once per generation : gene frequencies can therefore only change once per generation .
24 In fact , he believes that many of our ingenious musicians still have their aural-receptors pointed outwards and are merely trying to slavishly mimic what comes from England on the U.S.
25 Precipitation acidity refers to the excess of hydrogen cations ( H + ) in moisture , which are normally balanced at least in part by the major anions of sulphate ( abbreviated as unc or
26 Far easier , as they are normally written in either European , or more probably Arabic numerals ( which are read from right to left ) , and conform to one of three calendar systems .
27 In the United Kingdom diploma-level courses are normally associated with either school-leavers or individuals already at work who are seeking career advancement whose academic qualifications are weak but who would benefit from an extensive course but one whose approach is related to skills acquisition rather than in-depth analytical studies .
28 Our own experiences with walking were very quickly confirmed when we read in Time magazine , November 1989 , that after the most detailed fitness study ever carried out by the Aerobics Institute in America , it had been established that moderate exercise can have all the beneficial effects that are normally associated with hard ‘ no pain , no gain' exercising ( see Table 2 ) .
29 He notes that Mackie compares values to colours , and describes both as things which are normally thought of as existing independently ( and which conceivably might have done so ) but which a reasonable scientific view of the world exhibits as not really there .
30 Your karate school is responsible for nominating you to the open ‘ B ’ or regional squad sessions which are normally held at least twice a year .
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