Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [noun pl] where [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean criminal trials are oral trials where the evidence is given orally so that the witnesses can be cross- examined under a and be judged by the tribunal of fact .
2 Drawing and painting are narrative arts where the figures are concerned not with the spectator but with one another and the action they are taking part in , so the opposite convention prevails : they are normally shown with faces and feet in profile .
3 However , there are some instances where a change of control can affect the underlying assets .
4 Opportunities for employment for graduates in linguistics are very similar to those for any graduate in Arts curricula , but there are some cases where a degree in linguistics is regarded as a relevant qualification , namely speech therapy and language teaching .
5 ‘ There are some cases where the link appears to be quite close .
6 Here are some examples where the subject does not agree with the verb ( i.e. these will therefore generally be classed as " mistakes " ) .
7 Included in the month-by-month choice are some shots where the Pals were commissioned to do Flight Safety posters for MoD and NATO and a special called Tiger Tiger Tiger with three of the Pals at 74 Squadron .
8 There are some situations where the relationship between parent and daughter would make intimate care impossible to give , for example where a daughter had been abused by her father as a child .
9 These are uncharted waters where a voluntary organisation could find itself well out its depth .
10 Now are these families where the main breadwinner , or where there is a one parent family , is out of work ?
11 Listening to what you 're saying , all the areas you identify — education , the polytechnic , the reception at the opening , the medical profession — are these areas where the politics of the body are dealt with on an intellectual rather than an experimental level ?
12 These are all roads where the pedagogical tradition has pointed signposts in the wrong direction , making us search for English ( the nature of English conversation , at least ) where it is not — and where only a careful analysis of natural conversational data can get us on the right road again .
13 The areas chosen are all areas where the bilateral relationship is strongly apparent , and where the impact of bilateral action upon third parties may provoke a third party response : treaty law , international judicial and arbitral procedure , and responsibility for an international wrong , with particular reference to armed conflict .
14 While there a large number of cases where the victims are juveniles , there are many others where the newspapers would be allowed by law to identify the victim .
15 There are many tasks where the operator is assisted only by hand-tools and simple powered machines , for example in craft-work and surgery .
16 In a European context there are many countries where a high proportion of the school population stay in school or technical education until after the age of 18 .
17 Often this has a clearly organic cause , but there are many cases where no organic explanation can be found and emotional factors have to be considered .
18 Proponents of organisational development programmes would argue that although there are many cases where a bureaucratic organisation might be the appropriate organisational structure to have ( eg. possibly with routine or repetitive work ) it is clearly inappropriate in other cases .
19 ( T ) here are many cases where a man who has a ‘ right , ’ in the sense of a liberty or capacity of doing an act which is not unlawful , but which is calculated seriously to injure another , will be liable to a charge of blackmail if he demands money from that other as the price of abstaining . …
20 Conversely , there are many cases where the computation times for surface and solid modelling are long , whilst providing the designer with no greater insight into the problem than the wireframe interpretation does .
21 But there are many cases where the merging of meanings are more and we have to be on our guard .
22 It is relatively rare for a firm to have an absolute monopoly of the market , but there are many instances where a small number of large firms dominate a market — this is called an oligopoly .
23 Despite all of the official curriculum plans , there are many instances where the contents are inappropriate and still more where the plans themselves are largely responsible for the weakness in implementation .
24 Furthermore , although the Civil Law is the judge of some aspects of professional services , there are many instances where the Criminal Law may apply .
25 To comply with the IEE Wiring Regulations , an immersion heater must have its own electric circuit run from a spare fuseway at the consumer unit , though there are many houses where the supply for the immersion heater has been taken off the upstairs ring circuit .
26 There are many issues where a N C V O should be exercising leadership , sometimes a rather difficult concept , and there is no need to apologise for that , for using leadership at the right time , but it has to be a leadership by consent , rather than claimed without authority , and it is in this context that the policy development department in N C V O exists , to help channel voluntary sector concerns to opinion formers , and policy makers , regardless of party politics , regardless of political commitment .
27 There are many markets where the cost of entry is very large .
28 At its heart are 36 retorts where the gas was made .
29 However , there are numerous communities where the Lubavitch rabbi has revived a community that was literally dying on its feet . ’
30 Most common , perhaps , are those cases where the person to whose rights the agent consented was misled , through the agent 's fault , into believing that the consent was valid and acted reasonably on this belief to his detriment .
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