Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ . If we assume — and it is probably the right assumption — that students can no longer easily read isolated literary texts , but need to make sense of them in a variety of contexts , much power is given to the teacher who decides which are the relevant cultural codes to be invoked and expounded ; Marxists , at least , are specific on the matter .
2 that are shy on the tongue .
3 The first results of the order — said to be worth about £81 million — are due on the network this summer .
4 The first results of the order — said to be worth about £81 million — are due on the network this summer .
5 The types and varieties of design that are possible on the screen are almost unlimited .
6 It was shown there in particular , that the scalar invariants are unbounded on the hypersurface in region IV , where and .
7 It is a problem not easily solved by the classic methods of stratigraphical palaeontology , as obviously we will land ourselves immediately in an impossible circular argument if we say , firstly that a particular lithology is synchronous on the evidence of its fossils , and secondly that the fossils are synchronous on the evidence of the lithology .
8 Things are interesting on the slot front , too .
9 Whereas few — not to boast — few are speedier on the draw with the old chopsticks than young Ollie .
10 Prunus padus is well named the bird cherry , for its black fruits are high on the animal and bird menu of gastronomic delights .
11 Though French speaking , the population is a melange of different cultures , and is predominantly of Indian origin — delicious , spicy curries are high on the menu with good restaurants offering authentic French and Chinese dishes .
12 In addition , tasks are prioritised so that a worker can know how to cope with competing demands , Interviewing still tops the list , but other activities that are high on the list may surprise more traditional bureaux .
13 In addition , consultations over the last year have indicated that both SSAP 15 and SSAP 24 are high on the list of standards that should be subject to a comprehensive review .
14 The consultations that the Board has conducted over the last year have indicated that both SSAP 15 and SSAP 24 are high on the list of standards that should be subject to a comprehensive review in the medium term and at that time the inconsistencies in the approaches adopted , as noted above , can be considered more fully .
15 The individual employer 's attitude to returning nurses will probably be the major deciding factor for you , even if pay and conditions are high on the list .
16 Such increases set a bad example and I hope that managers in the private and public sectors will remember that the setting of pay for those who are high on the ladder affects the willingness of people further down the ladder to respond sensibly .
17 Damp is n't a major problem ; we are high on the site and there is the moat to take away any surface water . ’
18 Ordinary pea gravel or spar chippings are easier on the eye and the pocket .
19 And you are easier on the eye . ’
20 Cash crops can also , of course , be commercially very lucrative , but only when they are acceptable on the world market .
21 Severums ( above ) are popular on the problem pages but the Oscar ( right ) brings in 10% of queries .
22 Since our June issue , we have chosen to standardise and dropped the ‘ e ’ from the name ; sources are 50/50 on the spelling !
23 There are 12,500 on the Council 's waiting list for homes , but only a small proportion could be treated as a priority , she said .
24 The price intellectuals pay is that they are dependent on the government for both professional and financial recognition , since ‘ the most important definition of an intellectual is that he should be recognised by the government as such ’ ( Riding : 1986 , p. 428 ) .
25 Although the Rutland book does give everyone 's landlord , for information regarding terms of tenure we are dependent on the chance provenance of supplementary evidence .
26 The full realisation of these plans , which constitute a major new academic development for the University , are dependent on the raising of significant capital funds through the Development Campaign .
27 The catalogue user would seem to have been conditioned to seek information solely in terms of the system 's own requirements , which are dependent on the title descriptions of documents .
28 Not only does economic change ultimately determine social policy change , but also , she suggests , there are particular features of capitalism and the labour market within it that are dependent on the promotion of a particular ideology about women .
29 There is a rump who are dependent on the Welfare State and their place is resented .
30 They are dependent on the goodwill of DHAs and trust boards .
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