Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is the responsibility of students enrolled on a programme of studies to ensure that they obtain , read and understand both HCIMA and Centre regulations relating to the area(s) of study on which they are enrolled and abide by these regulations .
2 Official statistics are gathered and recorded in different ways between one country and another .
3 The plumed seeds of Dischidia parvifolia ( Asclepiadaceae ) are wind-dispersed but , if they land in the vicinity of ant nests , they are gathered and taken into tunnels , where they germinate and their roots gain access to nutrients in the insect frass .
4 Having clearly sorted out most of their substantial differences , these two must now return to the multi-party negotiations and ensure that all voices are heard and taken into account .
5 Social security benefits are calculated and paid to the public by a very large number of Department of Health and Social Security staff based in regional and local offices throughout the country .
6 The Los Angeles communities are demanding that they are policed and patrolled by individuals who live in the community and the commanding officers by ten-year residents of the community in which they serve .
7 In the rat small intestine , many drugs are acetylated and excreted into the lumen .
8 The drafter should bear in mind that statutes and standard form documents , such as Incoterms , are altered and updated from time to time .
9 Examples of such products are given and counterposed with socially useful ones which in their design , manufacture and use enhance human skill and ingenuity , conserve energy and materials and help human beings rather than control , de-skill or maim them .
10 ‘ We have both learnt our dialectic in the academic arena where knocks that would frighten the London literary coteries are given and taken in good part ; and even where you think me sometimes too pert you will not suspect me of malice .
11 These forms are completed and submitted to Denise , Salaries & Wages .
12 We know now that someone in a coma may still hear and react emotionally when they are nursed and that how they are treated and spoken to may affect their recovery .
13 It is further intended to change people 's attitudes so that they drive more smoothly and are aware of the kind of roads that they are using and drive at speeds tailored to fit the environment .
14 These topics are developed and broadened in the second year and more emphasis is placed on rigour and abstraction .
15 The same situation arises time and time again , as new medical techniques are developed and demand for them rises .
16 What may be unusual is my conviction that constitutional change , a reordering of the formal arrangements of political power and the nature of the British State , is a precondition for the achievement of the other changes , and that demands for this change may well be the vehicle through which other aspects of the strategy are developed and used as a stimulus to political action .
17 Although the three years of the course are planned as a coherent whole , themes are developed and elaborated upon as the course proceeds .
18 Provisions of the Constitution are developed and molded by judicial decisions .
19 Once we are recognized and accepted by God , we become free to accept others .
20 Though since the judicature Act came into force in 1875 the rules of Common Law and Equity are recognized and administered in the same court , yet they still remain distinct bodies of law , governed largely by different principles .
21 Whatever the arrangements , it is very important to get ground rules agreed before the move takes place , so that some of the possible snags for all concerned are foreseen and nipped in the bud .
22 Catalytic converters are poisoned and damaged by leaded petrol ; attaching them to cars forces drivers to run only on unleaded fuel , an added bonus .
23 During 1990 SCOTVEC received a number of requests regarding the possibility of certification of National Certificate Modules where students are taught and assessed in a language other than English .
24 Basic number sets and simple addition are taught and practised in the first Numbers Book .
25 There also exist private day-care facilities and child minders who provide a comparable service and who are registered and inspected by social services departments .
26 All bargains are registered and settled at the London Options Clearing House ( LOCH ) a wholly owned ISE subsidiary .
27 The cable cores of the flex are stripped and laid in the correct channels of the plug ; the plug pins are twisted to secure the wires ; and then the fuse cover is closed .
28 Meanwhile at the 12 area offices customer complaints ( e.g. poor water , flow , dirty water etc ) are received and put into a PC .
29 Alternatively , you can concentrate on group maintenance , spend most of your time monitoring how members are reacting and responding to both feelings and unspoken messages .
30 Old friendships are broken and replaced by new friends who find significant alcohol or drug use more tolerable and a perpetual round of drink and drug related activities more acceptable .
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