Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You react like one when you burn the toast , so why should n't you react like one when you are pitching for a new account ?
2 The quantities for most of the meals on the following pages are given for a single portion .
3 Eminent scientists are clamouring for an outright ban on all chlorine substances .
4 If you are recalled for a second interview it is worth changing to a different outfit altogether if you can afford it or have something else suitable .
5 standing committees which are formed for a particular purpose on a permanent basis .
6 Emission standards are designated for a large number of pollutants or combinations of pollutants and may be applied to individual or specific groups of emitters .
7 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
8 It is suggested that the use of general dictionaries may be insufficient to recognise text taken from more esoteric domains or documents that are intended for a specific audience .
9 Suddenly he is more relaxed and confident and those horrible little worms of self-doubt which are perpetually burrowing away in a golfer 's head are banished for a few holes , anyway .
10 This requires firms that are approached for a second opinion to contact the auditor to see if there are any relevant facts that they ought to know .
11 But not all radio campaigns are in support of TV , and all TV ads are designed for an additional sense : sight .
12 A cruel generalisation , but probably justified , would be to suggest that the large majority of curricula in Africa are designed for an ideal situation — namely a uniform six-year-old entry , relatively homogeneous in age and culture , equal in sex and of average size ( say 30–45 in a class ) who attend regularly , repeat seldom and complete their primary course .
13 the election for which you are applying for an absent vote ;
14 ALMOST four years after the 1985 crash of an airliner in Gander , Newfoundland , in which 248 US servicemen were killed , a group of congressmen are pressing for a new inquiry into the disaster .
15 Priests inside Malawi are pressing for a new statement from the bishops .
16 It is significant that it is the Africans who are pressing for a partial lifting of the ban and the maligned fur trade has made no move in that direction .
17 The front leg then lifts into a roundhouse kick and drops in such a way that the hips are cocked for a powerful reverse punch .
18 This means ministers are wrangling for a bigger share of the cake .
19 For people who are training for a particular sport such as karate , specific exercises can be inserted in the routine , for example alternate mae-geri or squat/standup/mae-geri .
20 So I let her just pass , and said , ‘ Oh , darling , I am looking for a new ‘ element ’ … ’ ; and after half an hour the manager came back to me and said that she was sitting upstairs weeping .
21 Now I am looking for a new start and go on from there . ’
22 And can I remind the district planning officers I am looking for a positive contribution from you on Tuesday .
23 He stormed : ‘ I am looking for a dramatic improvement in our defending .
24 Other strong promoters are optimized for a tight RNA polymerase binding , the following steps leading to promoter clearance being less efficient ( 4–6 ) .
25 Police are searching for a blunt instrument .
26 One try resulted in a pregnancy which ended in a miscarriage , but the couple are saving for a second try .
27 The Class 50 refurbishment programme was completed , although they are destined for a short life , while limited work was also carried out on Class 20s , 26s and 33s to see them through to the arrival of new designs .
28 Foreign Minister Levi told the Knesset ( parliament ) on March 18 : " Those who carried out the murder and those who sent them are destined for a painful punishment .
29 Australia will be favourites , but at least we are prepared for a good old battle . ’
30 Councillors are hoping for a settlement without the need for court action but are prepared for a legal battle which could take several years during which time both sides could run up massive costs running into many tens of thousands .
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