Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] to [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were lawyers and sometimes are referred to as such in the Gospel .
2 More extensive , however , are the vast sheets of basaltic lavas which have formed on the continents at various times in the past and are referred to as continental flood basalts .
3 If present at birth , they are referred to as congenital cataracts .
4 Sometimes , somewhat misleadingly , these standards are referred to as minimum standards .
5 The initiating processes in all these interactions are referred to as biological interface conversion processes and can be easily studied in the eye because contact lenses can be removed and analysed after only a few minutes ' wear .
6 In word-processing these options are referred to as left justification , right justification and full justification .
7 Such limitations are referred to as patient selection bias , spectrum bias , and observer ( signal detection ) bias , respectively .
8 These are referred to as skeletal muscles , most of which are attached at both ends to bones .
9 These are referred to as skeletal muscles , most of which are attached at both ends to bones .
10 Such sub-contractors , although once appointed are treated in every way as domestic sub-contractors , are referred to as named sub-contractors .
11 Alpha , beta and gamma radiation , together with cosmic rays , are referred to as ionising radiation because they interact with atoms , removing electrons from them , and the atoms then became ions .
12 Consent should not be unreasonably withheld and sub-contractors so employed are referred to as domestic sub-contractors .
13 For this reason , they are referred to as linguistic universals .
14 When conceptual distinctions are expressed in language they are referred to as semantic relations .
15 Colour-pointed cattle are referred to in pre-Christian Irish epics and the colour pattern was a favourite in Celtic lore .
16 There were other polled cattle in Ireland throughout the ages : the ‘ maol ’ ( hornless ) types are referred to in traditional cattle-raiding stories which in some cases can be traced back to the fourth century , and remains of polled cattle have been found ( along with small , horned Kerry types ) at archaeological sites dating back three to four thousand years .
17 Thirdly , Lyons points out that if one thinks of anaphora as reference to entities already established in the domain of discourse , then the ways in which they are referred to in anaphoric reference commonly make use of the order in which they were introduced by the discourse itself .
18 Some of them , for example Jones ( 1922 ) and Dewey and Eastwood ( 1925 ) , are referred to in this Guide .
19 One such example given is Polynesia , and the evidence depends on the fact that in Polynesian kinship terminology , only differences of generation and sex are recognized , so that all males of the generation directly preceding one 's own are referred to by one and the same word , which was glossed by Morgan as ‘ father ’ ; similarly , all females of this same generation are referred to one term , which can be glossed as ‘ mother ’ .
20 These are referred to by some of the local people as the ‘ funeral gate ’ and the ‘ wedding gate ’ , respectively .
21 In another language where mother 's brothers and father 's brothers are referred to by different words we would see them as different kinds of relatives .
22 In Mrs Castle 's Diaries I am referred to with varying degrees of approval and disapproval .
23 Will my right hon. Friend consider legislation to ensure that those traditional criteria are adhered to in future to stop this cyclical problem arising every so many years ?
24 The apprentices who are there under an apprentice contract unfortunately secure employment for the period that you 're contracted to after that , you are in the situation of dog eat dog , dare , dare I say .
25 The way that doctors and other staff associate with each other is much less formal than we are used to in Western countries .
26 Since only 39 per cent of India 's population is literate , the government authorises the production of posters and other aids which are mailed to over one million addresses .
27 Since only 39 per cent of India 's population is literate , the government authorises the production of posters and other aids which are mailed to over one million addresses .
28 What should you do if you are spoken to about this ?
29 Yes , I 'm not sure that I I 'm going to at some stage .
30 This is particularly true , and actually is what I 'm leading to in this story is that three years later , when Robert Priest hit Esquire two years later , the Rolling Stone look was supplanted by the Esquire look in terms of popular design and imagination , and I remember people said to me ‘ well Roger what are you going to do , your style is out of date ’ and my reaction to this was ‘ well , hold on a second , it 's not my style for one , and number two this is just traditional style , this was never intended to be a trend ’ , and fortunately it 's sort of gone — right now it 's back — so Rolling Stone even picked up the format that , you know , the Morris–Jenson typeface that we did for headline and stuff , and it 's back in there .
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