Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] it on the " in BNC.

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1 Send them to your boss 's secretary , stating in writing that you are starting on the preparation of the report , as instructed , and are basing it on the enclosed terms of reference .
2 And erm so if they 're buying it on the , on the market , th the company should pay a fair price for , for what they 've bought .
3 Well that thing 's pretty easy if you 're doing it on the beach but what if you 're out in the water and it suddenly gusts up .
4 so like perhaps , say six weeks you 're doing it on the voluntary basis
5 whether you 're dropping it on the putting the acid to the the alkal the the metal , the alkali , the base or the carbonate , the salt is always a salt of the acid .
6 Understand that you are not shutting the door on the one you loved , but you are shutting it on the negative force that lived — or still lives — within them .
7 Essentially it mean that er the work is is more or less complete and therefore we are pricing it on the basis of the actual out turn of costs .
8 Well I erm I 'm basing it on the Tower Hamlets model .
9 I 'm laying it on the table .
10 The car 's manufacturers are taking it on the chin .
11 The car 's manufacturers are taking it on the chin .
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