Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( Abstract nouns , participles , and relative pronouns are italicized in the above passage . )
2 Selection for senior posts is therefore more important than training ; if people who display the appropriate qualities are placed in the correct context then they will flourish .
3 c It is suggested that Adverts are placed in the following papers , depending on the areas involved in the Consultation Exercise : Scotsman ( Friday ) Evening News ( Friday ) Dalkeith Advertiser ( published weekly , Thursday ) East Lothian Courier ( published weekly , Friday ) Lothian Courier ( published weekly , Thursday )
4 The result is , as we have seen , a tendency towards a teacher-dominated style of interaction , in which children are placed in the passive role of respondents , obliged to accept the teacher 's definition of what is considered relevant .
5 It 's the cause of the divisive broad band streaming which I think some comprehensives have been persuaded to use , and I 'm forced to say how can a child really value himself or herself if they are placed in the bottom band of such a school throughout the time when they are at that comprehensive ?
6 The new industry of salmon-farming has filled the gap as far as the scavenging gulls are concerned : the rearing cages are placed in the sheltered bays and ‘ sounds ’ between the islands and are fed on high-protein , manufactured food in pellet form , which are ferried out in sacks by small boats .
7 To make matters worse , all the inventions are hidden in the various objects scattered around the cave system , so you 'll need all your wits about you if you 're to do it .
8 The effect of this is to turn us upside-down and virtually blindfold us , since we can no longer see our eyes , which are hidden in the blank space between the mirrors .
9 Comments on individual species are given in the Systematic List , but some more general observations seem worth making here .
10 Special arrangements may be made for candidates with disabilities : details are given in the Administrative Arrangements booklet .
11 Special arrangements may be made for candidates with disabilities : details are given in the Administrative Arrangements booklet .
12 The basic TA concepts together with their implications are given in the following sections ( best read in this sequence ) : Ego-states , page 56 , Strokes , page 156 , Discounts , page 55 , Games , page 71 , OKness , page 123 .
13 All commands to perform techniques are given in the Japanese language .
14 The barrier heights and transition energies are given in the upper part of table 1 .
15 Details are given in the relevant chapters .
16 But I am also convinced that markets should not enjoy the kind of sovereign power which they are given in the Hayekian and Friedman analysis .
17 All instructions regarding techniques and all directions are given in the Korean language .
18 Profiles are given in the standard format and include all the characteristic values .
19 Profiles are given in the standard format and include all the characteristic values .
20 Profiles are given in the standard format and include all the characteristic values .
21 Millions of retail and wholesale outlets are given in the yellow pages of the telephone directory collection , which covers all of Western Europe , as well as most of the world 's principal markets .
22 The values for fifteen year olds are given in the accompanying table .
23 Many of his speeches are given in the quiet , confidential way he might explain his predicament in the pub .
24 These may include extreme weather conditions , strikes and the like ; exact details are given in the full Thames Water Customer Guarantee Scheme , copies of which are available from the ( Guarantee Scheme ) address opposite .
25 Some capital grants are given in the French LFA but the maximum percentage rate is much lower ( apparently 34% ) than it was prior to December 1984 in the UK ( 50–70% ) for land improvements .
26 Very few patients are treated in the prone lying position ( on the stomach ) .
27 Organisations mentioned in the factsheet are listed in the final section .
28 Exclusively for 14–25 year olds — theatre , voice , music , technical , dance/theatre , script development , local research are listed in the accompanying Oxford Youth Theatre Spring Programme .
29 They are listed in the Creative Handbook but most are only interested in already established people .
30 Such collections are listed in the main historical bibliographies and there is no point in trying to list them here .
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