Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 This is much easier to follow than text which is long-winded and frequently ambiguous or file designs or programming flowcharts which are understandable only to the computer professional .
2 These differences are due partly to the different periods covered by the various studies , to the different areas covered and to the importance attached to the indirect effects on employment in the non-manufacturing sector that new jobs in the manufacturing sector have .
3 Manoeuvre-induced errors are due primarily to the following : a ) Short term fluctuations of local pressure at the static vents during any changes of aircraft attitude ( the pressure fluctuations are due largely to variations in the airflow over the static vents , as the angle of attack varies ) .
4 Some of the attractions are due simply to the landforms and some due to the features made by people .
5 The high level of crime and the resultant number of people in prison are due directly to the policies of the Government , which have created people who are greedy and selfish , a society where people are supposed to be on their own , a society which destroys the morale and the will of people who happen to be on benefits and on the poverty line .
6 The fluctuations between weather regimes are due solely to the intrinsic variability of the model atmosphere itself .
7 Because there is no ozone radiative feedback in either simulation , the dynamical evolutions are identical , and therefore differences are due entirely to the changes in chemistry .
8 She gladly gave her blood for a substantial blood transfusion , and the patient was told after-wards by the doctor , ‘ You owe the fact that you are alive today to the crossing sweeper who first detected a movement in you when you were in the mortuary and then gave her blood for you . ’
9 I am grateful both to the Education spokespersons who put a great deal of time in , in order to carry out erm their preparations towards this report and to and to take part in the consultation exercises and to my own colleagues .
10 The decline in hospital orders and the rise of prison sentences are traceable formally to the practice of modern psychiatrists of recommending fewer hospital orders , and in reality to the more restrictive policy on admission to special hospitals being pursued by the DHSS , and also to the higher proportion of defendants who are declared to have ‘ recovered ’ by the time of the trial .
11 When the arrears are payable , the presumption is that they are to be paid provided there are surplus assets available , whether or not these represent accumulated profits which might have been distributed by way of dividend , but that they are payable only to the date of the commencement of the winding up .
12 This was , as I have said , not our experience , and I believe that it rests in part on a very general tendency to undervalue the potential of well motivated students in the middle ranges of ability , in part on a rejection of the idea that the study of Language is very wide , and very various , that only some parts of that large landscape are accessible only to the most intellectually gifted .
13 They are central both to the ‘ level-of-analysis ’ issue and to problems of how seriously to take the actors ' own explanation of their actions .
14 They 're all off to the pictures or somewhere .
15 If you prepare an answer that you 're confident about to the worst possible question , the chances are they wo n't even answer it , ask it , and you 'll feel much better .
16 The capuchins , Brazil 's most threatened primate , are native only to the Atlantic forest in the far south of Bahia State .
17 We shall assume ( Fig. 2.6 ) that the vectors drawn from any point charge to point P are all parallel to the vector r0 drawn from an arbitrarily chosen origin inside ( just another way of saying that the point P is far away ) .
18 For example , ministers are responsible formally to the monarch .
19 An electoral chain of command pushes orders up so that the people control things at the same time as those in authority are responsible down to the people or to the government of the people .
20 The embodiment of such interactions , though not necessary to the understanding of the morning peak hour movements to work or education which have often been the primary focus of transport planning , is important to the understanding of other less straight-forward parts of the daily pattern of travel , which are important both to the travellers themselves and also to those concerned with the planning and provision of transport .
21 Mineral wool slabs are stuck on to the outer face of the wall and held by special fixing devices .
22 The best vines are those closest to the village growing at a height of between 140 and 200 metres .
23 Remember , too , that the thermals are smaller nearer to the ground , reinforcing the need for minimum speed , well-banked turns .
24 Catherine Lalumière , Secretary-General of the Council of Europe , acknowledged that " there is a contradiction between freedom of movement and the wish to avoid migratory inflows that are detrimental both to the country of origin and the receiving countries " .
25 Let us disregard the moral overtones which are irrelevant anyway to the concept of lying ( what makes lying bad is what is bad about what makes it lying ) .
26 And all the time you are close enough to the mighty cirque itself to enjoy that too , with a sight of its gigantic waterfall .
27 Other clauses are subject to a test of reasonableness , and are enforceable only to the extent that they are shown to be reasonable .
28 CD trials , with teachers who are new both to the unit and to the computer system , are important at the present time because most teacher users will be in this category .
29 In addition , they will be expected to go on visits to their local Department of Social Security office , courts , industrial tribunal and other institutions that are relevant locally to the CAB clients .
30 The study was specifically about school boards , but the finding are relevant also to the planning of training in other fields , especially where volunteers with varied knowledge of existing concerns and varied understanding of their responsibilities are involved .
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