Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The eleven senior tutors are each seconded from a department to the Modular Course for a third of their time .
2 Research studies which may seem quite practical to university people may seem very far removed from reality to practitioners , and research workers who are prepared to learn from the practitioners can often modify their research plans and greatly improve them .
3 In addition to the games played by the Child there are some played from the Parent ego-state .
4 Students are required to take courses in Social Theory and in Methods of Social Research but thereafter they are free to choose from a wide range of options .
5 The economic base to garage servicing ( following O'Brien , Motor Magazine , 10th September 1977 ) lacks two conditions that normally operate in pricing : the first is that consumers should have speedy knowledge of defects in what they buy ; the second that they are free to move from an unsatisfactory supplier to a more satisfactory one .
6 Certainly , speakers are free to select from a wide range of surface forms in order to achieve a particular communicative purpose , and it is quite likely that they will do so to attain appropriate levels of politeness , solidarity or social distance .
7 We are delighted to hear from the shadow to the shadow Secretary of State .
8 Rabbits are easy to remove from a shallow burrow of the type just described but the situation is rather more difficult when the burrow is a deep one , 5 or 6 feet ( 1.5 to 1.8 metres ) below the surface .
9 Secondly , directors and managers have interests or aspirations which differ from those of the members , and hence their objectives are likely to diverge from the goal of maximising profits .
10 The greater the identity in cultural forms , both qualitatively and quantitatively , the more they are likely to derive from a single common source .
11 The most far-reaching changes in social work , however , are likely to result from the implementation of the government 's proposals on community care .
12 The appropriate groupings are likely to result from the application of multivariate methods such as cluster analysis .
13 They are likely to run from the sort of fight that makes good corporate governance stick .
14 Ian Lang , the Scottish Secretary , has confirmed to The Scotsman that the costs are likely to vary from the originals .
15 These are likely to range from an amendment to our current equal opportunities policy document ( correcting the omission of ‘ disability ’ ) to a need to employ more staff , possibly from another discipline such as health .
16 You are likely to benefit from the experience too .
17 " It is now stated that a vast importation of Irish Beggars have already arrived upon the Island , and that others are likely to follow from the misconduct of our own Boatmen — the Community at large are warned to beware of harbouring foreign beggars … "
18 For all forms of tenure , black families are more likely to be in property that is older , more crowded and in areas that are likely to suffer from a variety of disadvantages in relation to environmental and other conditions ( Brown , 1984 , pp. 66–127 ) .
19 I 'm not sure what Mr and Mrs Bloggs are supposed to gain from the pages of ticked sums and the often half finished pieces of writing .
20 They are looking after their commercial interests , but unfortunately they are doing so at the expense of the tenants and customers , the very people who are supposed to benefit from the legislation .
21 Details are hard to elicit from the texts , since in AD 529 it was abolished by Justinian , who later brusquely referred to it as a tenebrosissimus error .
22 For the real enthusiast there 's riding equipment and for those who are happier watching from the grandstand a pair of binoculars .
23 M oral philosophers are accustomed to start from the individual pursuing his own ends ; at once the question arises ‘ Why should I prefer anyone else 's to my own ? ’ , and until it can be answered the advantage lies with the egoist .
24 Human logic says that if in fact we are all made from the ashes of long-dead stars , then everything which now is should be ultimately related to what first was .
25 We are all taught from a very early age that if we are going to get anywhere in this life , we have got to make effort .
26 They may include sentences like the following which are all taken from The Alternative Service Book , the revised , modern language prayer book .
27 The dry-stone walls have been repaired in the traditional way ; fences in the fields to keep the animals back are wooden post-and-rail , there is no barbed-wire to be seen ; and where the Prince has planted new trees in the parkland , they are all protected from the livestock by solid wooden guards , not the plastic sort most farmers use .
28 An article in the Evening News of 1954 suggested that ‘ Teddy Boys … are all of unsound mind in the sense that they are all suffering from a form of psychosis .
29 The usual view is that they are all suffering from the same disease and yet it is plain that there are marked differences between the reaction of one patient to that of another .
30 That has been further added to and we do have problems at Bentley Chorley Blackburn although Blackburn at this particular moment in time may be easing the particular pressure but we are all suffering from the restraints within the government industry .
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