Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [pron] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 People are realising what particularly the Belfast group has been preaching for years , that early availability of resuscitation is tremendously important .
2 Well it 's low this is lower cost than what we 're doing currently , we 're giving away , we 're getting nothing only a cost of of twenty five quid on the seat .
3 If for instance erm Fred Bloggs at the end of the office is sick on Friday he turns off his P C at lunchtime and goes home and we do the software upgrade during the afternoon on Friday , then his P C wo n't get the upgrade to the software because we 're sending it down the network .
4 I said oh just when it got dark really I said we 're having it down the house , I said erm drank more port I said every time we went to the loo they filled up my glass
5 I do n't know whether it was relevant or not but I would , I 'd ask how did you manage to finance these policies , if you 're taking one out every two or three years , you know , obviously increment in salary or something of that nature might be relevant so something that the person was conscious of , they were using their money to buy er s er savings plans .
6 keep telling me they 're putting them up a lot in the budget .
7 It was on the twenty second , we 're putting it forward a week ,
8 You 've just said that you took one look at Lotta and wanted her without knowing a thing about her , and now you 're telling me exactly the same thing .
9 If you are asking me where the remedy lies , my answer is that I have told you before and I shall go on telling you , and you know perfectly well what it is , though everybody thinks that it is too difficult and that therefore there must be a different remedy .
10 The car is generally occupied by an idiot or two gazing strictly ahead either with expressions that lead you to think that they are convinced they are doing everyone else a favour , or that they are only sitting down because they have insufficient brain to walk and chew gum at the same time .
11 I 'm I 'm winding you up a little bit but no I mean there 's a little method in this .
12 Said what 's wrong , he says Raymond I 'm taking him down the Grosvenor Road and there 's fucking old Paddy , we used to work with him , standing outside the f you know opposite The Royal ?
13 ‘ This morning I 'm taking you up the coast to my house overlooking the Sound , and if the weather stays as good as it is at the moment we 'll spend the afternoon on the beach at Hornbaek , which means we 'll go right past Kronberg — we can even stop off and take the tour if it appeals to you . ’
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