Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The odds are shortening all the time against him emerging as a big time trainer in his own right .
2 Different opinions are given all the time .
3 If there is no wool available to them , cats with an urge to re-create the pleasures of sucking at the maternal nipple have been known to suck their own fur , sometimes their feet and sometimes the tips of their tails ; or they occasionally develop a fixation on their owner 's hair and make repeated attempts to suck on that , if they are given half a chance .
4 More and more housewives are using such a product .
5 So DREADCO chemists are using all the cunning of modern catalytic chemistry to polymerize coal in situ .
6 ‘ I do n't believe in the fatal decline of the written word , ’ says Mr Fontaine , ‘ but we are competing all the time — not so much against television , because the screen image and the printed word complement each other , as against magazines , and against the time people spend getting to work and then their leisure time — against music and the cinema . ’
7 If it seems you are training hard — perhaps you are fatigued all the time — you are probably training at too high a level .
8 Living in a totalitarian system , he said , ‘ you are taught all the time that it 's unbreakable .
9 We wanted to see if Isabella and Edgar Linton are punished all the time by their parents , as we are . ’
10 However , advances are happening all the time .
11 More are appearing all the time , and nineteen eighty two will be no more than a particularly rich year for them .
12 Within this secondary category are grouped all the engineering analysis activities normally performed using computers .
13 INVESTORS in South Wales Electricity — the smallest of the distributors — are laughing all the way to the bank .
14 Shrewd movie bosses are laughing all the way to the bank — they have already planned Home Alone 3 .
15 The beans for the house coffee are roasted fresh every day in the Fazzis ' other premises in Clyde Street .
16 I mean , I think that when people are purchasing all the time the , particularly the order book , is not sensible , but the ad-hoc stuff is hiding the invoices .
17 But normally you find that erm both Stan and I would consider the large goods vehicles drivers as being the professionals , because you are driving all the time .
18 The problem is that it is not just life expectancy that determines whether the child has this ‘ right to live ’ ; often handicaps such as Down 's Syndrome which is one of the primary forms of mental handicap identified by tests , are considered such a burden both to the child and the family that the pregnancy will be terminated .
19 ‘ We are developing all the time .
20 For stereo hi-fi recording , the microphones are connected all the way to the camcorder via separate right and left hand mixer channels , the mixer being set to mono for ‘ centre-stage ’ speech recording , otherwise to stereo .
21 Yet decisions about the significance , for entry into higher education , of school-level achievement in public examinations are made all the time — and it is odd that they seem to be made without reference to CNAA , BTEC or the NCVQ .
22 Fishing starts at 9 am each day and last casts are made half an hour after sunset .
23 I mean he 's got plenty of every single bit of papers that they 're given all the time .
24 Some of these footballers now ca n't play when they 're resting all the week .
25 So we 're using all the money we 've ploughed into the business to expand .
26 ‘ You know what I think about this ‘ protected species ’ business , ’ he said , reshuffling the logs , ‘ I think they 're protecting all the game for themselves so they can set up a hunter 's paradise for the rich — for foreigners and high-ranking government officials .
27 THEY 'RE laughing all the way to the funeral , ’ said one corporate wit .
28 tea And they 're laughing all the way to the
29 And we 're laughing all the way
30 they 're laughing all the way to the bank .
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