Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [prep] more [subord] " in BNC.

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1 When these are considered of more than local importance , they are taken up at a national level .
2 All too often , the antecedents of revolution are separated by more than a human lifespan from their fruition .
3 ‘ They are prepared for more than just a social call , ’ Taheb said .
4 Yes , Nicole and I go back a long way , and yes , you could say that we 're involved on more than just a superficial level .
5 The risk for the vendor of assets is the possibility of balancing charges if the assets are sold for more than their written-down value .
6 In its memorandum on " shareholders ' pre-emption rights and vendor placings " , issued in February 1989 , the IPC of the ABI stated that , in the matter of vendor placings , shareholders are entitled to expect a right of clawback for any issues of significant size or which are offered at more than a very modest discount to market price .
7 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
8 The seats are cushioned , and in the dark I am waiting for more than entertainment .
9 Journeys of Business are performed with more than double expedition …
10 I see now the inadequacy of this explanation ; but , apart from the fact that at that age one 's loyalties are defended with more than usual zeal , my conviction , in the Oxford of that time , was that Collingwood was the only alternative to linguistic philosophy .
11 Also , given what has been said , that a mental event is wholly within consciousness , it is also true that in speaking of the mental life of people , in a large sense of the term , we are speaking of more than mental events .
12 Bonuses are spreading to more than half of all managing directors .
13 I 'm looking for more than a secretary , you understand .
14 Digital Equipment Corp systems management provider Raxco Inc , Rockville , Maryland , and UK-based UIS Ltd , Epsom , Berkshire are to merge after more than a year of negotiations .
15 The glistening palm leaves of Bob Crowley 's immense , jungly set enclose a tin-roofed veranda where Tennessee William 's outcasts are melting from more than the Mexican weather .
16 Frequently many rural communities are faced with more than their physical and geographical isolation .
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