Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Not for them the hollow reply , ‘ What meeting ? ’ when a call is made to check that they are bringing something to the pot luck supper at school that very evening .
2 But I think we 're seeing something in the Forest side we have n't see for what twelve fourteen years are we .
3 And I think that is the message which I want to get over to you , because if you can find that way to tread that difficult line which is there in our society which is over-protective , over-secretive , which is concerned about not not letting people unless they 're of a certain rank , level or certain job , speak out publicly unless you can break through it I think you 're actually , first of all , denying something for yourselves , and that you 're denying something for the public at large .
4 Normally you would n't be seen dead doing a knees bend keeping your back straight , but if you 're getting something off the bottom shelf you wo n't look ridiculous at all .
5 I think there 's still too much ‘ You do that , you do this ’ in the big record companies , but that 's bollocks too , because without the artists knowing what they 're doing nobody in the record company would have a job . ’
6 They 're doing something at the boy 's school , but we 're not doing anything personally .
7 And we 're doing something on the character of the Christian , er I ca n't , obedience , , righteousness is one and I ca n't remember what the other is .
8 Being apart all week means you 're doing none of the things young married couples normally do — building up a joint lifestyle , going out , having friends around and generally enjoying yourselves together .
9 So you 're ploughing everything into the business at this moment
10 they 're talking none about the , the economy and turn up before the end of the year , this , the , the , they 've been hanging on and on and on , and er slagging one another off all the time
11 We are told nothing about the heir he instituted .
12 I mean Forest are pulling everybody behind the ball and you know they ca n't just sling the ball through .
13 The North and central sides , among them Bangor City and Newtown with top reputations earned in English leagues , are facing nothing but the wooden spoon .
14 It refers to the presence of social groups which are ranked one above the other , usually in terms of the amount of power , prestige and wealth their members possess .
15 The companies who thought they were buying themselves employees to stack their shelves or deliver mail are getting nothing of the sort .
16 ‘ I am doing nothing of the sort .
17 We are doing nothing of the sort .
18 It helps to solve our problems with Chrissie and Fred by making it clear that we are doing something about the food costs .
19 That younger element , are doing something for the local community .
20 Said Professor Hoskins of the University of Reading : " We know that human activities are doing something to the system but computer models are too crude at present to predict what will happen . "
21 First he made a gourd spring up to protect Jonah from the sun ( by ‘ gourd ’ we are to understand something like the castor-oil plant or Palma Christi , with its rapid growth and all-sheltering leaves ) ; then , with no more than a wave of the silk handkerchief , he sent a maggot to destroy the said gourd , leaving Jonah painfully exposed to the heat .
22 I 'm wanting one in the kitchen .
23 It would be nice to imagine the reader , having ingested the reader , having ingested the above , musing , ‘ Oh , I never thought of that ’ — which is , after all , the response elicited by all cultural commentators — but I have no illusions that I 'm teaching anything to the individual or individuals responsible for the original design .
24 It 's a unique opportunity to do something really strong for the sake of the restoration of my citizenship , while at the same time by that of course I 'm doing something for the human rights of every single citizen in Czechoslovakia .
25 ‘ I 'm doing nothing of the sort .
26 I do n't think I 'm doing anything over the weekend .
27 ‘ Then I 'm saying nothing of the kind . ’
28 ‘ I 'm saying nothing of the kind , ’ snapped Penry , leaping to his feet .
29 We 're not talking of a conversion of ten to fifteen thousand dwellings with erm new building being reduced considerably , we are talking something in the order of magnitude of what has been happening in the past .
30 People are do something at the end of the training and it focuses your mind to the trainer writing material .
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