Example sentences of "the [det] position " in BNC.

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1 Be bec , the appalling thing is that they 're quite , they 're quite happy to spread this pain on those who are in the least position to burden it and they believe quite rightly and this , this is the I think , that exists between socialism and and and the Conservatism in that sense that whereas erm , you know opinion surveys bear out the fact that people are quite happy , those who can afford it to pay a little bit extra in terms of direct taxation for those service provisions , which are absolutely vital and these surveys have been conducted in public and they have been made quite er er open to the press , er , just before the last election particularly for the health authority and so forth .
2 The potential instability of the this position was heightened by uncertainty over how the eventual losers would respond to defeat .
3 In the latter position the female swims beneath the male , but usually the pair swims with the male gliding beneath the female .
4 The ‘ whole curriculum ’ approach adopts the latter position , starting from the learning activity intended for the class as a whole and seeking ways of effecting change so that individual pupils can participate without being singled out for ‘ different ’ treatment .
5 Leader of the State Council Eduard Shevardnadze was elected to the latter position — effectively a presidential role — with over 95 per cent of the vote .
6 If we compare the traditional case with that of Modigliani and Miller with corporate taxes , it is clear that the latter position indicates a linear price decline while that of the traditional view suggests a more progressive decline .
7 To take the particular case of relevance to this book , adjectives in English are , broadly , those words which can instantiate the P in both patterns of : Verbs can instantiate the latter position but not the former ; the lexical meaning expressed by a given verb must , exactly , undergo a change of syntactic class in order to do this , this usually being marked by an overt morphological change .
8 In the latter position both skimmia and hosta are ideal while Hydrangea petiolaris , planted on the wall has a wealth of bloom once established , even on a north wall .
9 This is not unlike the former position for companies and this too produced many circumstances where organizations chose not to follow professional prescription and there did not appear to be the power or the will to enforce compliance .
10 It is certainly not enough to say that the former position shows " attribution " and the latter " predication " ; one must go on to say what these terms of one 's theory mean , and if our account is to be genuinely explanatory , we must do so in ways which can be related to concepts and phenomena which stand outside our initial theory .
11 A prominent feature was the surviving aggregates of endocrine cells marking the former position of glandular bases where colonic crypts had been destroyed ( Fig 2B ) , a feature characteristically seen in graft v host disease .
12 Some of the old farmhouses still have a range of windows that indicate the former position of a weaving chamber .
13 Commentary or criticism of such art within the country concerned necessarily takes the same position .
14 Do n't sunbathe for long periods in the same position .
15 The colour you are assigned arises from your position in the draw , but this may change from round to round , so do n't go to the same position as you went to previously .
16 Shedding their skin puts them in the same position as Jane Austen 's heroes , prematurely aged by the treacherous sun of the West Indies . ’
17 It can always be returned to the same position .
18 Now he finds himself in the same position as his predecessor — a relative conservative whose time is past .
19 ‘ Everyone else seems to be in the same position .
20 Top Class ran a fine Arc trial when third to Nashwan and Cacoethes in Ascot 's King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes , the same position filled by Tony Bin last year before he went on to win the Arc .
21 Blake Morrison will be literary editor ; he also leaves the Observer , where he held the same position .
22 That 's why you can have two people who are going to occupy the same position and you 'll treat them quite differently , because of the different characters .
23 The Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , has adopted the same position as his predecessors , Sir Geoffrey Howe and Mr John Major , insisting that the deportations are an essential deterrent against a fresh influx of Vietnamese next year .
24 By part I of the Law Reform ( Married Women and Tortfeasors ) Act 1935 , a married woman was put into the same position as a man with respect to her proprietary and contractual capacity , and , except in relation to her husband , with respect to her liability for torts .
25 Dot Opened her eyes to glance sideways at Mrs Hollidaye but she was still in the same position , kneeling , so Dot lowered her lids and , though she had n't meant to she found herself thinking about Gloria , still asleep in that high bed with the soft eiderdown .
26 Mr Macmillan echoed the same thinking about the H-bomb : ‘ When the tests are completed we shall be in the same position as the United States or Soviet Russia …
27 Meeting others in the same position , having a chat with friends about dieting endeavours , these things help to maintain motivation .
28 It means the cameras can focus on the lectern knowing that the speaker will always be placed in exactly the same position relevant to it .
29 Other cabinet members made sure they were in the same position .
30 ‘ And they get told their riding positions , ’ says Haig who , as Station Officer , is the only one who takes the same position on the fire engine each time it goes out .
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