Example sentences of "the [adj] afternoon " in BNC.

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1 She turned towards him , her head propped on her hand , and he saw the strong afternoon light shafting with gold the cropped brightly dyed hair .
2 They 're all friendly , and fascinated by the way our dinghies plane past in clouds of spray in the strong afternoon winds .
3 It 's not easy to learn in the strong afternoon winds of the high season unless you 're pretty fit .
4 One top dealer used to take the odd afternoon off , and secretly work for another licensed dealer nearby , taking his commission payments there cash in hand .
5 Birds were singing , dogs were being exercised , children shouted in the distance , but the pleasant afternoon had its drawbacks , as the Sergeant explained .
6 The soporific calm of the drowsy afternoon was shattered by the bell indicator above the kitchen door .
7 Had n't she been lost seven years ago , in the misty dawns and the drowsy afternoons ?
8 They were due to face an Ulster Under 21 side at Ravenhill on October 30 with the usual afternoon kick-off .
9 Well they 're trendy so I suppose it 's the usual afternoon run to Leo 's is it ?
10 A running and ringing in the darkening afternoon , urgent voices on the phone and the grind and clang of the lift as it came and went .
11 In the darkening afternoon , the taxi pulled up to her hotel .
12 London 's leading pair , as if piqued by this , turned 30 September into the longest afternoon .
13 It was the longest afternoon that I had known and it was worse when I heard the sound of tea being prepared downstairs for this made me even more hungry .
14 Between a fetid canal and a railway line , under the bleaching afternoon sun , a dozen or so young men stand in line , waiting to buy cocaine .
15 It appeared round the corner with loud threats of speed , but the colt that it startled from among the gorse , which still flickered indistinctly in the raw afternoon , outdistanced it at a canter ( 2 ) .
16 what we 're , what I 'm gon na do , I 'm gon na transfer the this afternoon , okay , so what money you full address of the account
17 Most fervently Breeze wished that Gay were with her now , to share this walk and the exciting afternoon .
18 From the moment that La Pietra 's anchor was safely biting ( again , watch those mooring chains ) , a superb air of idleness overtook everyone on board , so much so that no one could be bothered to put up the awning and we lay and baked in the sweltering afternoon heat .
19 The first time that the door opened and spilled yellow light out on to the dark afternoon street , it was the parson making a bid for freedom .
20 As it was a special fundraising dance instead of the regularly fortnightly hop , a three-piece band had been brought in to replace the usual stack of gramophone records and there was ‘ real food ’ — fishpaste sandwiches , sausage rolls and cheese and pineapple on sticks — which the ‘ committee ’ had spent the entire afternoon preparing .
21 He had spent the entire afternoon in his office , pacing from the desk to the window , from the widow to door and back to the desk again .
22 That was probably the understatement of the decade , she acknowledged ruefully some hours later , as she grabbed the first opportunity of the entire afternoon to simply stop moving and stand still in one place for longer than ten seconds .
23 My mother and aunt hardly uttered a word the entire afternoon .
24 In fact , the only embarrassing moment the entire afternoon came when Daphne carried the tray out into the kitchen — something I suspected she had seldom done before — and spotted my final school report pinned to the pantry door .
25 Poland 's official news agency PAP said Kohl flew home in the early afternoon .
26 When I 'm getting ready for a party — you know , you have a bath some time in the early afternoon or evening , you work out what to wear , you lay the things out on the bed that you vaguely know you look nice in , you roughly know what make-up suits you … well , that 's the point when I start thinking about my leg , and whether it will show .
27 Their calm , though , was shattered by the sudden explosion of a howitzer shell in the early afternoon of 11th July .
28 Class B1 No. 61094 passes beneath the former LD & EC viaduct remains at Horns Bridge as it approaches Chesterfield with the early afternoon train from Leicester which would be recessed at Chesterfield before forming the 16.20 departure for Sheffield .
29 When he realised that if he had company already then , she 'd stay away , Hector made sure that he was alone in the early afternoon .
30 By the early afternoon the inside of the house was finished .
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