Example sentences of "the [noun pl] date " in BNC.

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1 Mr Mike Widmer , managing director of Caldair which owns United , Teesside Motor Services and Tees and District Buses , claims the debts date back to 1989 and are a result of the concessionary fares scheme .
2 The houses date mostly from the 1910–20 era , and are in poor condition .
3 The policies date from the Special Areas Act 1934 ( McCrone 1976 ) , but only in the early 1950s was the first rural region ( North West Scotland ) designated .
4 During the refurbishment programme the ledgers dating back to 1717 were taken into Archive Department 's collection where they will be looked after professionally , and many objets d'art were temporarily removed from the building for safe-keeping and restoration .
5 My understanding from your letter of [ Date ] is that I am jointly instructed by the vendor , Mr D Smith , and the purchasers ( as set out in the Agreement between the parties dated [ Date ] ) and that I am requested to certify in writing to the parties , the value , in my opinion , of Mr D Smith 's shares at [ Date ] .
6 This evidence for weighing gold shows how the coin was not being used as currency , and it may also be significant that many of the balances date to the period when the debasement of the gold coin was at its most serious .
7 And the only reason historians even know the exedra existed , is it appears in a painting of the gardens dating from 1748 .
8 The Gospels date from the period after the Jewish revolt of A.D. 66 and the sack of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70 .
9 Westminster Diocesan Archive ( London ) The collections date from after the Elizabethan Reformation settlement of 1559 .
10 The majority of the work shown was very recent , but several of the pieces date back as much as 10 years revealing her fascination with the themes from classical mythology over a long period .
11 On the Avon , some of the weirs date back 1,000 years and are in urgent need of restoration .
12 LEFT : Bonds Mill was originally built in the early 18th century although many of the buildings date from the 1887 rebuilding .
13 The buildings date from the 1870s and are recognized as one of the best , if not the best , surviving groups of commercial buildings of that time .
14 The buildings date to the early 13th century , and the abbey is set in the beautiful Llandeilo hills .
15 The apparent management of woodland to produce trees and wood of specific sizes and to meet demand is demonstrated in the structures dating from around 3500 BC which have been excavated in the Levels .
16 In Priene some houses survive in part from the fourth to the second century B.C. , in Delos and Pompeii the structures date mainly from the second century B.C. Houses were inward-looking , few window and door openings breaking the blank exterior walls .
17 The clocks date from the sixteenth-century through to the nineteenth-century .
18 So in the Spring of thirteen sixty , and they said that this was much more complicated , most of the timbers dated from about fourteen fifty although there was one that dated from twelve eighty nine and clearly was renewed and one of the roof timbers was about fifteen twenty , perhaps a repair .
19 It was built in the fifteenth century and the paintings date from c. 1520 ; it is a very fine example indeed .
20 Added to that , from an author 's point of view , it really does make sense to by published by the same house for hardback and paperback — partly because of straight-through royalties , but also because the publisher can plan the promotional campaigns properly , and co-ordinate the publications dates .
21 Except for the new diesel engines , the trains date back to 1954 .
22 The bookcases date to 1727 .
23 The marble busts against the bookcases date from the 18th and 19th centuries .
24 The pennants date from 1974 , while the chains are believed to be five years older .
25 With their supporters , the arms date from after 1707 , when the Union with Scotland occurred .
26 The cuttings date back to the beginning of the 1980s : ‘ If you read these stories day by day , you simply do n't realise how many there are .
27 Views have therefore differed on the question whether the inscriptions should be followed , and the laws dated to AD 320 or 326 ; or the subscriptions , resulting in a date of AD 339 .
28 The letters dated 25th May and 6th June were fully endorsed by the most recent meeting of the Forum which went on to pass a detailed resolution which is referred to in the press release .
29 On the contrary he was assured , by Mr Bloch in person and by the first of the letters dated 19 October 1984 that Twogates were not in any way challenging his right to remain in occupation of the premises … under the provisions of his existing underlease .
30 The exhibition spans the period from 3,000 BC to the sixteenth century , with most of the exhibits dating from the first to the third century AD .
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