Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 claim for loss of redundancy payment which would have been received if employment had not been terminated because of accident , held to be ‘ naturally and directly ’ arising from the wrong .
2 in calculating lost pension rights the correct approach is 1 ) apply the appropriate multiplier to the appropriate multiplicand 2 ) the appropriate multiplicand is the pursuers level of wage which would have been received if currently employed 3 ) allowing for all contingencies including the chance of obtaining a pension in the future the multiplier for a 48 year old was 6 4 ) the resulting figure should be reduced for the accelerated benefit bearing in mind that the pension would not have been paid before age 65 .
3 I think it extremely likely that the plaintiff would have followed the inevitable recommendation from its officers which would have been to proceed with this action in order to avoid paying compensation .
4 All 60 million bags represent 60 full trailer loads , which would have been fuelled by the equivalent of one million gallons of non-renewable oil .
5 British Petroleum South Africa underwrote the cost of the tour , so no material loss was incurred , but either way the action deprived the West Indian Board coffers of a large amount of money which would have been ploughed back into very necessary ground and youth development in the region .
6 Reportedly , the Sackler maiolica was only the initial offering , which would have been followed by the collector 's bronzes and terra-cottas .
7 REJECTED the offer of running rights over the Rhyd-ddu-Porthmadog section of the W.H.R which would have been leased to the '64 Company .
8 Other field crops included peas and beans before the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries and , later on , numerous new introductions , some of which would have been grown earlier as garden produce but which were grown on a larger scale from the seventeenth and particularly eighteenth centuries .
9 After all spondai , meaning literally libations , was the Greek word for treaties , like the Thirty Years Peace , which would have been broken by unprovoked coercion of Megara .
10 It does n't seem plausible to think that anyone with any knowledge of the difficulties which would have been presented by trying to recover and rebuild enough aircraft to produce the film would have seriously considered the idea .
11 These were decisions which would have been made by the LEA before devolution .
12 The purchaser claimed under two heads , first for the capital loss and secondly for his loss of profits — the latter head being based on the difference over three years between the profits made at the machine 's actual rate of output and the higher profits which would have been made at the warranted rate of output .
13 The " vulgar tongue " abounded with colloquialisms suggesting that a particular term conferred a legitimacy which would have been made questionable by a more generalised synonym for stealing .
14 That is , an authority may rely on considerations which do not apply to its subjects when doing so reliably leads to decisions which approximate better than any which would have been reached by any other procedure , to those decisions best supported by reasons which apply to the subjects .
15 In concept it was an equivalent to the capital gains tax which would have been levied had the building been sold .
16 Boltanski photographed each of 143 pupils when he visited London in September and he is testing the way in which art is created by its context by also sending the portraits to the pupils ' parents in return for the fee which would have been charged by the school photographer .
17 In the popular vein there is also a selection of lids from flat pots which would have been collected as souvenirs from special occasions , such as major exhibitions and the completion of a bridge or important building .
18 He points out that under John Akers , IBM has built its desktop computing business to $8,500m in worldwide sales in 1991 , giving it 19% market share ; remained the worldwide leader in information technology revenues , at $62,800m last year up nearly 30% from $48,500m in 1985 when Akers took over ; and avoided the worst crisis that could have befallen it — which would have been to sacrifice investments in research and development for the sake of a fast buck — it spent $6,600m last year .
19 Thus , if Nissan gains market share at the expense of cars which would have been manufactured in the UK anyway , problems may be caused for other companies , especially Rover which relies principally on the UK market for its sales .
20 What this early artist has illustrated is mobbing behaviour being exploited to trap small birds , which would have been destined to be served up at table .
21 In any event , the judge awarded the whole of his estimate of the increased price which would have been obtained whereas the correct measure of damage for a failure to disclose the material facts was the loss to the plaintiff of the chance of negotiating an increased price if he had had the information .
22 Eleven Clay Cross councillors were surcharged for the money which would have been obtained had the Act been implemented and they were also disqualified from holding public office for a period .
23 Moreover , a Marxist-Leninist analysis of foreign-policy formulation in the United States ( which would have been accepted by Guevara and also by Raúl Castro , both extremely powerful figure ) implicitly makes two assumptions which have been shown to be inaccurate : firstly , that the ’ bourgeoisie' always act in concert , and secondly , that the ruling group has control over the statements of major Interest groups within society .
24 There is , to my mind , no doubt at all but that the Turnbull & Co. v. Duval [ 1902 ] A.C. 429 line of cases demonstrates a treatment of wives who have given security to support their husband 's debts more tender than that which would have been applied to other third party sureties .
25 The suspended sentence had the disadvantage of seeming to be not quite one thing or the other , with some sentencers succumbing to the temptation of adding to the length of the term of imprisonment which would have been imposed immediately , so balancing the act of suspension with greater severity in the event of a breach .
26 If there is no tuba , the part which would have been given to it will be allotted to two bassoons in unison ( if it does not go too low for them , of course ) .
27 The gross domestic product which would have been observed in that month if the prices in the selected base period had prevailed : this is called real gross domestic product ( or gross domestic product at constant prices ) .
28 Sport in Scotland , an Inverness firm which organises shooting and fishing holidays and publishes two sporting gazettes , funded the purchase of 15 young elephants which would have been shot to reduce overpopulation in a Zimbabwean national park .
29 We specialise in the dances which would have been danced at the court of King Charles II and wear handmade costumes of brocade and crushed velvet .
30 Spears and axes have utilitarian forms , the manufacture of which would have been within the abilities of anyone with basic smithing experience ; both have sockets for handles/shafts which would have been created by beating the iron around a former .
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