Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 The centre 's system for emergency lighting runs from a generator , which would fail in the event of a fire cutting off main electricity , so the fire officer said spectators could not be allowed in .
2 Powerful evidence against the wave interpretation is the lack of any correlation between the size of a feature and its rate of east-west motion , a correlation which would exist in the case of waves .
3 The foreman would naturally advise the security men on the gate , and Personnel Department , which would result in the steward being apprehended and instantly dismissed .
4 Before any options are granted to replace those which have already been exercised and which would result in the total value of options granted to an individual under the Scheme ( including options which have been exercised ) exceeding four times his annual remuneration , the Committee will satisfy itself that the grant of such options is justified by the performance of the Company in the previous two to three years .
5 The Minister purported to give guidance , the effect of which was , that social fund officers must not make payments which would result in the budget being exceeded .
6 The loss of sudomotor function seen in constipated patients in this study would at first indicate a degree of impairment of the sympathetic nervous system which would result in the loss of inhibitory tone on gut smooth muscle .
7 Any Marxist revolution would simply generate a new ruling class : ‘ The socialists might conquer , but not socialism , which would perish in the moment of its adherents ’ triumph' ( Michels , 1959 , p. 391 ) .
8 • Put out any burning clothes by smothering them with a thick cloth or rug , but not something synthetic which would melt in the heat .
9 Where the Crown Court is dealing with an offender for offences for which he has been committed for sentence under Criminal Justice Act 1967. s.56 , whether they are summary or either way , the Court must observe the limitations which would apply in the magistrates ' court to the sentence for those offences .
10 It may be argued that there is nothing too morally reprehensible about this in many areas of our public life : but when it affects life-and-death issues , such as Northern Ireland , the idea of making legislation on internment , for example , subject to back-room bargains struck at Westminster , is one which would stick in the throats of many voters .
11 Waiting for the only real release , which would come in the form of death ; the actual termination of life , not the living death of captivity .
12 When , as in the case of insurance , West Germany contemplated the competition from the City of London which would follow in the wake of measures to ensure freedom to supply insurance services , the unanimity rule provided ample scope for postponing the evil day .
13 Stirling had always envisaged the Free French contingent as the nucleus of a French SAS regiment which would assist in the eventual liberation of their country .
14 The District Council has now commenced survey work for the local plan and is seeking information which would assist in the preparation of the district wide local plan .
15 The conference also called on the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) to convene a conference with prospective donor countries to formulate an aid plan which would assist in the social and economic integration of refugees who chose to return to Rwanda and of those seeking naturalized status in their present country of residence .
16 This advisory section of the descriptor gives an indication to tutors of the range of contexts within which a module could be offered and the subject matter which would assist in the achievement of the Outcomes .
17 Since a large number of locations were needed for this study it was decided to use locations which none of the subjects were likely to know rather than stimuli filmed in the Cambridge area which would differ in the degree of previous familiarity subjects had with them .
18 Making the announcement , which follows two years of uncertainty about the zoo 's future , Dr Gipps said £2.5 million was already assured for the capital project which would begin in the next financial year .
19 Rostov decided that it was easier to go in search of what would pass in the Simonova for a command bridge than it was to remain in his quarters , while Vorontseff attempted to eradicate within the space of an hour the accumulated disarray of several years of civilian occupation .
20 In the same way , criticisms of the Monopolies Commission on the grounds that perceived monopoly welfare losses are low are misplaced ; what matters is what would transpire in the Commission 's absence .
21 The report outlines what would happen in the event of nuclear war and maintains that talk of planning for , and training in triage and mass casualty techniques is meaningless , because surviving nurses would be able to do little other than help to provide limited care for casualties and comfort the dying .
22 Many local folk who earned their living on or from the river were still worried about what would happen in the end , but one man busy in his small yard behind the bustling Tower Bridge Road market did not give international events a second thought .
23 Earlier statements that Japan must surrender all colonial possessions were reiterated but the precise fate of Korea was not clarified : Korea was to become independent at a future date but what would happen in the interim period remained to be decided .
24 And what he said , prophesying about the future , saying what would happen in the future in this case .
25 The line OG with a slope of 45 degrees shows what would happen in the absence of any income tax .
26 Of course I did n't realize at the time just how deep I 'd get in and I ca n't be blamed for not seeing what would happen in the end .
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