Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [verb] [pers pn] for " in BNC.

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1 When A.A. Matveev went as Russian minister to The Hague in 1699 eight young Russians were attached to his mission to gain the experience which would fit them for future diplomatic careers ; and during the next decade members of several important noble families studied in Europe for this purpose with government backing .
2 The court had been told that Mrs McWilliams had suffered severe brain damage which would affect her for the rest of her life .
3 Which would cover us for Friday and Monday 's loadings .
4 He would probably do the latter , and hurry through the change of clothes which would prepare him for the half-hour 's weight-training which he did between ten forty-five and eleven fifteen every Tuesday and Friday .
5 He grew a real beard , which would incommode him for other parts ; he thought , behaved , responded Learwise , in as short-sighted a fashion as that monarch would have done , having handed on his characteristics to his youngest daughter .
6 If a person has become disabled through no fault of their own and they 're not going to be provided with a benefit which would compensate them for being out of work , they will suffer enormously . ’
7 Mr Kinnock staggers under the additional handicap of having no ministerial experience which would equip him for the supreme office to which he aspires .
8 With so much specialised knowledge , which would qualify her for nothing much except a pilot 's certificate , with her wellingtons over which the mud of many tides had dried , she had the air of something aquatic , a demon from the depths , perhaps .
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