Example sentences of "[Wh det] are [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Free fatty acids , which are bound to albumin , are quantitatively less important than the lipoproteins but may be very significant in the context of poorly controlled diabetes with accumulation and production of ketone bodies .
2 But the term takes on a specific meaning in those studies in the sociology of policing which are inspired by ethnomethodology and phenomenology , where it describes a quality of the accomplishment of these tasks — that they are produced in a taken-for-granted , commonsensical , and habitual manner .
3 Agreeing with Sahlins that ‘ Culture is not ordered by the primitive emotions of the hypothalamus ; it is the emotions which are organized by culture ’ ( 1977 : 13 ) , we have presented some different social orders where fighting , competition , and other violent behaviour are not part of the order , or part of the people 's ideas of what a human being is .
4 In the Abdaly region of northern Kuwait there are some 156 farms which are separated by desert and thus exposed to sandstorms , where metal wind-breaks and shelter-belts have not prevented sand encroachment , largely as Al-Nakshabandi and El-Robee have suggested , due to poor management .
5 Unlike many generative systems which are developed from scratch , probabilistic systems tend to utilise existing resources .
6 These conditions can be very useful in setting up a user search profile , which is one reason that information retrieval systems often use a serial file for new accessions , which are matched against user profiles intended to inform users of the latest accessions in their subject field .
7 ‘ in a zebra controlled area proceeding towards the limits of an uncontrolled zebra crossing ’ 'Zebra controlled area' means in relation to a zebra crossing , the area of the carriageway in the vicinity of the crossing and lying on both sides of the crossing or only one side of the crossing , being an area the presence and limits of which are indicated in accordance with schedule 3 ( i.e. the general layout of the zig-zag lines , terminal lines where the zig-zag lines begin and give-way lines where the zig-zag lines end next to the crossing ) .
8 It has declined to lift restrictions that would prevent the beneficiaries from voting on the proposals , which are supported in respect of 79 p.c. of the ordinary shares and 92 p.c. of the convertibles .
9 These picture faults are due to the technical compromises which are built into video and television systems .
10 Generally , sound timbers , such as wallplates and lintels which are built into masonry and which show only one or two surfaces to the building interior , may be treated by coating their exposed faces with a thick ‘ mayonnaise ’ preservative paste .
11 This is so whether we have in mind disciplines which are largely cognitive in character , or those — such as in the performing arts — which are built around action .
12 From the toing and froing of the social exchanges of the early years , exchanges which are imbued with misperception and misattribution , children construct blueprints of their world and their place in it .
13 Whilst agreeing with the Commission about the desirability of reducing the number of crown court cases which are prepared for trial but where the defendant unexpectedly pleads guilty at the last moment , it believes that there are other ways of tackling this problem which do not pose a threat to the interests of justice .
14 In reality heavy drinking is far more pervasive than is commonly realized and most drugs which are consumed to excess are prescribed by a GP rather than bought illegally .
15 The Group 's environmental , health and safety policies , which are printed on page 7 , are given close attention at all locations .
16 Careful attention should be paid to claims for items such as suitcases which are damaged in transit .
17 Counts in Chichester and Pagham Harbours , which are illustrated in Fig. 8 , show that by far the largest numbers of Ringed Plovers are present in Sussex during migration , particularly in the autumn .
18 It is important to appreciate that the processes which are illustrated in Figure 4 are going on the surface of a special structure ( it is called a ‘ ribosome ’ ) , which acts rather like the assembly line on which cars are put together , holding the various molecules in position .
19 It is important to note the context in which these recommended measures , which are illustrated in Box 1 , should be set .
20 You will have FREE entry to any of the 115 RSPB reserves , some of which are listed on page 12 .
21 When the modern High Court of Justice was constituted as a superior court of record by the Judicature Act 1873 , by section 16 of that Act the jurisdiction of a large number of existing courts , which are listed by name , was transferred to and vested in the new High Court .
22 Even if it were not already obvious , the concluding words , ‘ or other intellectual property , ’ show that the ‘ commercial information ’ which the definition contemplates must be information of the same type ( ‘ ejusdem generis ’ ) as the other examples of intellectual property which are listed in subsection ( 5 ) .
23 Each zone is currently experiencing a range of pressures which are listed in Table 7.4 .
24 The concept of incest has been the focus of much anthropological study , and by introducing this third variable Todd is able to identify seven family types , which are listed in table 3.1 Within families where the spouses are determined by custom there are two sub-types : in the endogamous community family , there is equality between brothers in matters of inheritance , married sons cohabit with their parents , and there is frequently marriage between the children of brothers ; whereas in asymmetrical community families the first two conditions also hold but marriages between the children of brothers are prohibited , although there may be a preference for marriage between the children of brothers and sisters .
25 Our third report outlined a number of schemes and initiatives which were intended to further the general aim of closer links with parents and the community : the appointment of a team of home-school liaison assistants ( later redesignated home-school liaison officers ) ; the Portage scheme , described in more detail below ; in-service support courses ; and a wide range of everyday practice , including a great diversity of activities ( forty-seven in all ) which are listed in Table 5.1 .
26 This type of geomorphology , which has subsequently attracted both great support and disenchantment , has been the subject of at least two groups of interpretations and it is perhaps the lack of equal familiarity with the achievements of both groups that may account for the differing viewpoints some of which are listed in Table 4.1 .
27 From more than 80 strains , four have been singled out to be grown from seeds which are tested for protein , which helps them to withstand heat .
28 The two localities include sub-localities which are differentiated in relation to a typology of ‘ urban social areas ’ generated from social indicator data .
29 APL involves the accreditation of competence ; the new SCOTVEC Advanced Courses , which are written in competence terms , are well suited to the provision of an APL service .
30 During his last hours in this world , he found unspeakable comfort in thinking about some verses from Hebrews Ch.12 , ‘ But ye are come unto mount Sion , and unto the city of the living God , the heavenly Jerusalem , and to the innumerable company of angels , to the general assembly and church of the firstborn , which are written in heaven , and to God , the Judge of all , and to the spirits of just men made perfect , and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant ’ .
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