Example sentences of "[Wh det] he [verb] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the kindest and most popular members of the board , which he served with distinction for some 20 years , Mr Scott played a major part in the gradual development of Goodison Park into one of the country 's finest grounds , and also led the battle against hooliganism from the front .
2 There was one occasion when he went into a café and asked for tea and then while he waited he suddenly saw a solution to a theological argument which he had with Leslie Owen the warden , and his waving of hands was so convulsive that the café refused to serve him with the tea .
3 Page after page , after page , after page , of descriptive material , drawn from all over the world , both published accounts , which Frazer drew on , erm , with er , kind of er , encyclopedic knowledge , but also a lot of personal contacts which he had with people like missionaries , er , colonial administrators , and even er , local people who would with descriptions and er , and facts about the things he was , he was researching .
4 Hugh Dalton , whose father was Canon of Windsor , reports a conversation which he had with Stamfordham at Windsor Castle on 26 December .
5 His method is to distinguish philosophy , which he equates with experience , from the various modes of experience .
6 Bartholomaeus Anglicus , a professor of theology at Paris , discussed in his encyclopaedia De proprietatibus Rerum the three major types of insanity ; frenzy , amentia and stupor , which he associated with excesses of choler , melancholy and phlegm .
7 While at the Soane he edited and wrote a commentary on two small books in the museum , The Notebook and Account Book of Nicholas Stone , Master Mason to James I and Charles I ( Walpole Society , vol. vii , 1919 ) , which he illustrated with photographs of that sculptor 's monuments taken during numerous journeys devoted to studying Stone 's work .
8 Cecil urged Asquith to do the same , but , Chamberlain said , Asquith ‘ would not allow ( him ) to develop this idea , which he rejected with indignation and even with scorn . ’
9 While appearing on stage in The Anniversary , Crawford made a new film , The Jokers , in which he starred with Oliver Reed .
10 He is a veteran of the Scouting movement and has a keen interest in Irish traditional tales , which he tells with gusto .
11 This illusion of realism can be the result either of the text 's conformity to the rules of the genre ( which Todorov associates with classicism ) or with ‘ what readers believe is true ’ ( which he associates with naturalism ) .
12 So again you see that he feels threatened and er does n't trust Nick because of erm these ideas which he associates with Nick .
13 Sir Walter thinks he has captured something ( the soul , the imagination ? ) which he associates with joy and his kind of pleasure .
14 However , I 'm sure that it will be only a short time before the imaginative gentleman of this funeral business ( or after-care service , as it apparently now likes to be called ) will overcome these problems that in any case may be outweighed by one great advantage to which he points with pride : namely , that it is above all discreet , in that the girlfriend of the departed may view at any time , giving any name , and the wife and family will be none the wiser !
15 Erm Roosevelt was er despite the er rather unusual route to the presidency , really rather a good president but he had a , he had a very particular view of the presidency which was one which he shared with Lincoln but he took up Lincoln 's arguments and , and developed it further and I quote from er Roosevelt 's autobiography , which is rather more revealing than most autobiographies , erm Roosevelt was n't modest I should say in case you , if you wonder when I read you something .
16 These are his charm , his instrumental attitude towards his own goodness , and his fundamental opacity of mind — all characteristics which he shared with Gandhi to some degree .
17 So that er his former chauffeur joined the force , P C , he was in , he drove of course our first police car , well which he shared with P C , then when our cars got to number two , three and so on , he eventually came up , so that he retired as inspector , traffic inspector .
18 Clinton grew a beard and moved into a house in Leckford Road which he shared with Strobe Talbot and Frank Aller .
19 After a traditionally disastrous dress rehearsal the director came into Arthur 's dressing-room , which he shared with Flute the Bellows Mender , and said cheerily , ‘ I tell you what , why do n't you go back to the awful way you used to do it ?
20 This time , the final audition was at Britten 's London home , in Regent 's Park , and the thirteen-year-old landed the role , which he shared with David Hemmings .
21 Bert Cooke describes the imprisonment rallies which he addressed with Alan Cairns :
22 However , in 1855 he took up the post of professor of drawing at King 's College , London , which he combined with book illustration .
23 He left England on 27 October and two days later he lectured at Hamburg on " The Idea of a Christian Society " ; the tour , which he made with Arnold Toynbee , included visits to nine cities , but he complained later that not the least exhausting part of it had been the expectation from his hosts that lie was some kind of oracle as well as a poet .
24 In fact the two men may have met sooner ; a sketchbook of Picasso 's which he filled with drawings in the early spring of that year contains some short written entries which mention Braque twice .
25 He had found there the stinkingly obvious lair of a large python , a cave mouth which he stuffed with kindling which he then ignited .
26 Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore began a three-day visit on Oct. 23 , during which he met with de Klerk , ANC Deputy President Walter Sisulu and Inkatha 's Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi .
27 Not only was the rehearsal space larger but here Tiller was able to have an imposing office which he decorated with caricature drawings of himself showing large heads on small ( but fat ) bodies , and always with his hands clasped behind his back .
28 On this particular day he had a subsidiary board meeting at 9am , after which he dealt with phone messages and post .
29 Among the causes which he espoused with fervour were the abolition of the slave trade , Catholic emancipation together with total religious freedom , and , above all , parliamentary reform .
30 To find out about the world of his bride , the Almanach de Gotha can be laid aside in favour of King George VI 's gamebook , that book in which he recorded with pride the bag of the day and the names of his friends and companions in sport — The Duke of Gloucester , and the Fermoys , Althorps , Felloweses and Bowes Lyons .
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