Example sentences of "[Wh det] he have [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The most recent outstanding event in Jim 's distinguished career was the publication of his definitive catalogue of the collections of Christ Church , Oxford , on which he had been engaged for several years , coinciding with the opening of the new galleries to contain them .
2 He was gathering data for a book about world metro systems , a task on which he had been engaged for years .
3 He had rightly abandoned them , since the only way that honour could be restored was the path he had chosen ; or rather , the path on to which he had been propelled .
4 It was , as he readily acknowledged , in many ways an unfortunate statement into which he had been pushed by his officials before he had fully mastered the intricacies of the problem .
5 He began to say all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin and the saints which he had been taught at his mother 's knee , and all the while , as he prayed , he was aware that under a mile to the west lay Gribbin Head , where murder had been done eleven months before : murder he had been witness to and had profited by ; murder he had known full well was mortal sin for which , at the Judgement Seat , he would have to give account to God .
6 The context was always a plea for tolerance of something which he had been taught to regard as sinful .
7 Then Andy took his wedge , which he had been swinging for the last ten minutes , and hit the perfect , or apparently perfect shot , straight at the flag .
8 3.17 In Bayley v Bloomsbury Health Authority ( Kemp & Kemp , Vol 2 , para E3-012 , Henry J said , in making an award to a student nurse who had suffered a prolapsed lumbar disc at the age of 20 , that there was a world of difference between such an injury happening to a victim at that age as opposed to the age of 33 , the age of a plaintiff who had suffered a comparable injury in a case to which he had been referred .
9 After a one-minute search , he noticed the National Geographic magazine which he had been looking at with the teacher earlier in the day .
10 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
11 Innocent began now to concentrate on the imperial bishops and on securing practical support for Otto , who in turn was exhorted to assume a manly attitude and in short " to live up to " the title to which he had been called .
12 The jangling of his friend 's bells and chains , which he had been using as an aid for navigation , had ceased abruptly .
13 He was wearing the tunic in which he had been shot down .
14 Reagan hammered away at themes which he had been developing for some years and which would be wheeled out every time he ran for public office .
15 They looked at each other , Jean-Paul focusing his eyes with difficulty , and Edouard saw the coarsening in his brother which he had been trying to ignore for days .
16 Harry put down the hairbrush with which he had been trying to smooth his unruly curls , and turned to face Madeleine 's brother .
17 Now , so close to the Last Days for which he had been prepared , Seth was what he was , and nothing less .
18 His own sources among the Altun had picked up vague hints of another conception upon which Sidacai had drawn or to which he had been led .
19 Duke Berthold sent neither the expected money nor the troops for which he had been asked nor the hostages , nor did he turn up .
20 and to appear in court , he found himself caught up in a drama in which he had been cast as The Defendant , facing the man he had known as Rich whom everyone called The Plaintiff , and being called to order by someone he had never heard of before called The Registrar and his right hand man The Clerk of the Court — and all in the unfamiliar setting ( set ) of a courtroom .
21 The Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica presented me with a view of patients and diseases which was quite unlike anything which I had encountered , and gave many lively examples of the ways in which Kent had solved the clinical problems with which he had been faced .
22 Where damage is caused to a visitor by a danger of which he had been warned by the occupier , the warning is not to be treated without more as absolving the occupier from liability , unless in all the circumstances it was enough to enable the visitor to be reasonably safe .
23 Furthermore , even if the person warned did not repeat the conduct about which he had been warned , he could be arrested if he engaged in a different act or course of offensive conduct .
24 He had held sway at the College for 45 years , for 40 of which he had been assisted by his faithful subordinate William Sewell who now , at the age of 58 , was to succeed his master as Professor .
25 Notwithstanding the two occasions on which he had been tempted to abandon the Army for politics , and the cordial relations he had maintained with the CEDA , Franco was disdainful and suspicious of politicians .
26 His appointment was the success story of this period , and even when the Goldsmiths eventually washed their hands of the School , they continued to help him with gifts to the Church to which he had been appointed in Portwood .
27 This proved sufficient until the reign of Charles I. He was one of ‘ the sticklers in the last Parliament ’ pricked sheriff in 1625 to prevent their election to the next ( although he was able to secure that of his son for New Shoreham ) , and in the following summer he was removed from the Sussex commission of the peace , to which he had been appointed only in 1624 .
28 In other ministerial changes announced on the same day by President Daniel Arap Moi , ( i ) John Okwanyo was appointed to the Water Development portfolio ; ( ii ) Matthews Onyango Midika replaced Okwanyo as Minister for Regional Development ; and ( iii ) John Kyalo was appointed as a Minister in the Office of the President , replacing Johnstone Muendo Makau who had been relieved of this post ( to which he had been appointed in May 1989 — see p. 36648 ) on March 2 [ for full Cabinet list as of September 1989 see p. 36917 ] .
29 In late December Alberto Jorge Triaca , a former Labour Minister dropped from the Cabinet in a reshuffle in January 1991 [ see p. 37959 ] , was dismissed by Menem as the head of SOMISA , the country 's largest steel mill , a post to which he had been appointed in May 1991 .
30 In Finnegan v Allen [ 1943 ] 1 KB 425 , the Court of Appeal struck out a claim against an accountant who , it was alleged , had not valued shares in accordance with the instructions in the agreement under which he had been appointed .
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