Example sentences of "[Wh det] is [adv] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ciccolini tends to adopt slow tempos here — too slow , I feel , in the initial étude ‘ for the five fingers ’ , and in those for fourths octaves ( not emporté here ) , and chords , and much too deliberate in the one ‘ for the eight fingers ’ which is n't molto leggiero e legato .
2 The Council tax is a hybrid tax , which is both part property or household tax and part personal tax .
3 The biggest risk factor of all is an inherited predisposition , which is why life insurance salesmen run a mile when they hear that your dad died of a coronary at 35 .
4 They may be at the root of colic , which is why lactose intolerance is important here .
5 Further , even smaller corporates may be treated as non-private under Rule 5 — 5(4) where they : ( a ) are carrying on a main business which is not investment business ; ( b ) enter into a futures transaction as an integral part of its main business ; ( c ) have , in the firm 's reasonable belief , sufficient experience and understanding to waive protections provided for private customers ; and ( d ) have received a clear warning of the protections under the regulatory system which they would lose , including a statement of its rights to request to be treated as a private customer .
6 The category of trade customer allows a firm to treat a company or partnership which is otherwise a small business investor as an ordinary business investor in relation to any particular transaction if : ( 1 ) It has a main business which is not investment business ; ( 2 ) It enters into the transaction as an integral part of its main business ; this term will need to be clarified by SFA in due course ; ( 3 ) The firm reasonably believes that the customer has sufficient experience and understanding to waive the private customer protections and can produce evidence of that ; ( 4 ) The firm has given the customer a clear written warning of the main private customer protections that he will lose ; the key ones are listed by SFA ( and include , for example , derivatives risk warnings and suitability of advice ) but if the firm intends to ask the customer to waive best execution that should be referred to as well ; ( 5 ) The firm notifies the customer in the warning that he can ask to be treated as a private customer ; and ( 6 ) The customer has not informed the firm that he wants to be treated as a private customer , either generally or in relation to the particular transaction .
7 China contains deposits of bastnasite , a fluorocarbonate of lanthanum and cerium ; monazite , a mixture of phosphates ; and xenotime , which is mainly yttrium phosphate .
8 The effects of the processes of subaerial and marine denudation described in earlier chapters depend on the influence of base level , which is usually sea level .
9 I do nt think we should get too complacent as we may have a genuine bad run and things are pretty tight in the top 10 at the moment , but then again I did say after the Oldham match that 4 more wins on the trot would see us averaging 2 points a game , which is statistically Championship form .
10 To some extent , but one of the problems is that women of an earlier generation have had to claw their way through the art world in order that a younger generation of women artists today — a generation which is almost gender blind — should have an easier time .
11 Moves from Signet for his second novel , which is still radio glitz .
12 A WHIFF of competition sent shares in United States chip maker Intel tumbling at the end of March , wiping more than a fifth off the value of what is arguably Silicon Valley 's most important firm .
13 Onyeanusi 's study involved an assessment of the impact of vehicle tyres on off-road tracks in a specific area of what is predominantly grassland savanna .
14 Sparc chip set house Nimbus Technologies Inc last week was getting set to acknowledge what is already street gossip : that Cypress Semiconductor Corp , or rather its Ross Technology Inc subsidiary , got Nimbus off the ground with an initial ‘ joint development ’ investment round about $1.5m .
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