Example sentences of "[Wh det] it be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A pity you did n't take more examples from Looking Glass & mention the idea of going across the square , in chess , which it is based on .
2 The structure of this argument is important because we find it repeated when we look at the traditional ways in which it is sought to legitimate private power .
3 Although oceanic crust is consumed at destructive plate margins at very nearly the same rate at which it is created at constructive plate margins , a small proportion of mantle material — perhaps only a few per cent — is involved in the generation of andesite magmas at destructive plate margins , and contributes to the volcanic rocks erupted at the surface .
4 Before the plutonium can be used it has to be reprocessed , the process by which it is separated from the unused uranium and radio active waste in spent , irradiated fuel .
5 In its latter role , ‘ theory is to be judged by its predictive power for the class of phenomena which it is intended to ‘ explain ’ ' .
6 This is symbolically invoked in contexts in which it is connected with , for instance : matrilineal descent , hunting , menstrual blood , and the meat of wild animals .
7 This can be a major problem for the sponsors of the Motion if there are not many Members around the House on the day on which it is decided to ‘ put the Motion down ’ or , in other words , to go public with it .
8 The form of that life and the machinery by which it is prevented from supplanting the political power accepted by the populace , can be settled without strife only when the basis of the religion has been firmly established by men and women using that glorious power of reason which is life 's greatest gift .
9 It is organizationally unidirectional , filtering fitfully up the management hierarchy , irrespective of the extent to which it is attuned to the current preoccupations of senior management .
10 ( 1 ) Frequently the date of decision of a case is a year before the date by which it is cited in the Law Reports .
11 Any intuitions we may have about Anderson 's loquacity and the way in which it is affected by the events of the play are thus lent support by the results of tabulating the distribution of long turns .
12 It is obviously in an uncomfortably contradictory position — squeezed between the expectations of the bureaucracies on which it relies and its political affiliation to the struggles of the mass of blacks which it is called upon to mediate , translate and sometimes police .
13 A good thesaurus or list of subject headings is not necessarily one that has been carefully presented , printed and published , with a plethora of effective relationship displays , but rather a list that has been compiled to serve in the retrieval environment in which it is called upon to operate .
14 The general law of confidential information would impose a duty to the donors of information not to use or disclose it beyond the purposes for which it is given without consent of the donors .
15 ( representations , concepts , facts ) which it is given by other practices , whether ‘ empirical ’ , ‘ technical ’ or ‘ ideological ’ .
16 In short , linguistics may provide literary theory with the broad outlines of a model , but it can not determine either its detail or the manner in which it is applied to literature .
17 His description of the group culminates in the famous formulation of the " perfect law of art " of which it is said to be the embodiment :
18 As I have explained in Working Paper 43 , and developed in Organizing Resources , this indexing system depends upon the initial production of " features lists " , or lists of subject headings , the subject facets which it is desired to be able to retrieve from the system .
19 The essential principle of this Lift ( which is to be used in lieu of a flight of locks ) is floating of the barge or vessel into a tank and the conveying of that tank with its floating load broadside up or down a slope or inclined plane to a higher or lower pond of the canal respectively into which it is floated from the tank , which is left ready for another barge going in the opposite direction .
20 This is because there is a high degree of commonality in the processes being described : usage of a word contributes to the way in which it is defined in a dictionary , and a dictionary definition contributes to the way in which a word is actually used .
21 The information function is performed through the magazine Which ? available to subscribers but having a general impact because of its availability in libraries and the extent to which it is referred to and talked about .
22 After this committee , the Bill returns to the House to be read a third time , after which it is transmitted to the other House and , if successful there , submitted for the Royal Assent .
23 Detailed analysis shows that the clean surface is relaxed relative to the bulk structure and that the oxygen occupies threefold sites in which it is bound to two first , and one second layer tungsten atoms .
24 The two principal isotopes of oxygen , , are chemically very nearly identical , but modest fractionation between them can occur when oxygen is partitioned between phases in which it is bound in very different ways .
25 The purpose of this project , funded by the ESRC under their ‘ Open Door ’ scheme is to investigate women 's employment in the book publishing industry , an industry in which it is estimated between 50 and 70% of the workforce are female and yet a much smaller proportion of women are employed in senior decision making roles .
26 That process was continued by the EEC through its Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) , for which it is estimated by the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation ( OEDC ) each adult in the EEC is now paying over £220 a year as a taxpayer and consumer .
27 Following the Oxford Dictionary , which is here a more lucid guide than my more abstruse colleagues , we can say that a symbol signifies something other than or complementary to itself ; it can therefore be used to represent , express , or image things which are external to it but to which it is linked in an appropriate fashion .
28 In the summer season an interesting boat excursion ( Timetable No 2212 ) can be made from Murten , on the Lake of Murten and the Lake of Neuchatel ( to which it is linked by canal ) , to Neuchatel , capital of the canton of the same name further west .
29 Within the underground complex many mysterious rites take place which it is forbidden for any male to witness .
30 The balance of relief will continue to be given annually at the rate of 4% of the original cost of the building from the tax year in which it is brought into use .
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