Example sentences of "[Wh det] she [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 A whole week in Paris at Easter seemed to her something for which she would willingly have sold her soul .
2 Kim was eventually seen by a psychiatrist and the latter told the parents she was going through a phase of sibling rivalry which she would eventually grow out of .
3 Ruth 's clothes , which she would soon have grown out of , she put into bags for Oxfam .
4 He could imagine the words in which she would later report to her husband .
5 She , who had always helped lame dogs , now refused the many helping hands that were held out to her , because they only hauled her back , temporarily , into a life of comfort from which she would later have to return to reality .
6 Sons would volunteer and rush off to the village to bring back a ‘ set of couches ’ , proudly waiting for the praise which she would generously give , though they might not be quite what she expected .
7 In a way she hoped he had not and yet , on the other hand , she believed the news would have made his final days very happy , however heinous the deceit with which she would always have to live .
8 In particular , ‘ Britain was bounced into surrenders of sovereignty which she would never have accepted if they had been presented as abstract ideas ’ .
9 Laura had many principles over which she would never compromise , one of which was the importance of giving each guest or employee a room of his or her own ; even two women would never be expected to share .
10 Ellen planned to return to her tiny apartment in the town where she kept her precious books and where , on an old manual typewriter , she wrote what she called her ‘ five-finger exercises ’ , which she would never let anyone read .
11 Most of her flowers therefore tend to be in blue , which she would really prefer to combine merely with white to set against all the greens of the garden — but soft shades of mauve and pink also creep in .
12 Ellen said in a tone which implied that I had entirely misunderstood the senator 's motives , which she would now have to explain to me by the application of sound feminist arguments .
13 The sow 's natural instinct is to build a nest of grass and leaves in which to give birth and rear her young , which she would then suckle for three months .
14 She had experienced mounting terror at the thought of a new role in which she would certainly prove a failure — a woman who could not do her work , could not save her father , could not love her mother , could not satisfy her man , was most unlikely to make any sort of mother .
15 She marked the paths of birds and insects , pointed to the homes of lizards and carried a fishing line which she would occasionally cast , watching for the rough bobbin to lurch , winding in a small , flat saafi fish which danced on the hook until she released it and tossed it back .
16 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
17 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
18 It seemed to me that she looked older than she was , using her age as a shield against unwelcome advances which she might secretly long for but would never permit .
19 But he stood there watching until the little car had disappeared , as though Ellen were setting off on a long and dangerous journey from which she might never return .
20 It 'll be part of what she calls the Seybold Marathon Week , coincident with the Boston Marathon and the Distributed Objects Computing Forum and the Executive Forum which she 'll also run .
21 Well she 's got two rooms downstairs , which she 'd rather have one of these really , one big one
22 Then she took them into Arkwright 's and bought them a bar of chocolate each , which she could ill afford , and they all went back to the Vicarage .
23 Had n't she already taken time off work which she could ill afford in her sister 's interests ?
24 Why go to all the trouble of providing her with information about Rainald , which she could easily have related to fitzAlan ?
25 Alone again , Belinda returned to her original plan and successfully reached the chair in the corner of the room , from which she could quietly observe the other guests without too much fear of attracting attention .
26 She then sought a fair rent , which she could only do if she were a tenant , but Mr Street of course argued that she was only a licensee .
27 She splashed herself liberally , trying to reduce the flush which she could still feel on her cheeks .
28 She had been the only passenger to alight from the two carriage train which she could still hear dimly in the distance , chuffing its way over the Severn Bridge on its way to Lydney .
29 After one stunned instant , for which she could hardly blame him , he reacted with admirable promptitude .
30 " Yes , there is , " Martha replied , with a firmness which she could hardly have inherited either from her father or her mother , " but there 's no reason why we should n't go and look at things .
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