Example sentences of "[Wh det] had [be] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 Christopher Morrison , prosecuting , said Marriner had tried to obtain money from Crown Street post office in Darlington with a Giro cheque which had been written over and smashed windows at two health centres in the town .
2 It proved to be a surprisingly accurate account of what in the event did happen , and is outlined here to illustrate the way in which , in one corner of Oxfordshire , changes which had been argued over for a decade could be effected in a relatively short time .
3 This slightly depressing bout of bargaining — which had been brushed over so quickly in the Shah Jehan Nama — took at least a quarter of an hour .
4 This bought another East End brewery into the family tree , the Wenlock Brewery , in Wenlock Road , Shoreditch , just off the City Road , which had been taken over by Bass in 1961 and closed the following year .
5 In May the SAS were sent in to storm the Iranian Embassy in London which had been taken over by armed gunmen .
6 The horse buses were banned from the Promenade in the same year to avoid competition with the trams , which had been taken over by the Corporation in 1892 .
7 This latter vessel was hit by two torpedoes fired from the damaged Italian destroyer ‘ Tarigo ’ , which had been taken over by Sottotenente di Vascello Ettore Bisagno , the only surviving officer , after the commander had been killed ; the British ship went down near Kerkenah Island , but all the crew were rescued .
8 So I began to visit the civil hospital which had been taken over by the military for wounded and sick men from the British forces further south .
9 Indian soldiers stormed Kashmir 's police headquarters in Srinagar , which had been taken over by striking policemen .
10 Pointing upwards he indicated a large nest high in a pine tree and told us that it was the nest of a buzzard which had been taken over by a great grey owl .
11 Peter Northfield , public affairs manager for the Great Eastern division of BR 's Network SouthEast , said some commuters were angry because they normally used the carriage which had been taken over by protesters .
12 A crotchety old bugger ( any kid 's grandfather ) who had , in a state of terror , escaped in his machine from an advanced civilisation on a distant planet which had been taken over by some unknown enemy .
13 The delay had been caused by uncertainty over the status of Vneshekonombank , the former Soviet foreign affairs bank , which had been taken over by Russia in December [ see p. 38581 ] .
14 The Lebanese army on July 24 began the repossession of buildings which had been taken over by the various militias during the civil war .
15 The school is a complex of large , red-bricked barrack blocks , which had been taken over during the war ( happily unoccupied ) by the American Army .
16 There were supposed irregularities in the cheques , some of which had been endorsed over to third parties allegedly in breach of authority , so the administrators issued but did not serve a protective writ .
17 The author was born in Kronstadt , part of the ethnic German enclave in Transylvania — a region which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the beginning of the century but which had been handed over to Romania after World War I. Faced by the prospect of conscription into the Romanian army in World War II , the author volunteered for the Waffen-SS .
18 Plainly the clause was not on this occasion incorporated by virtue of the sold note , which had been handed over only after the bargain was struck .
19 By now , thanks to the Luxembourg Compromise , France was less fearful of the European Commission ; the completion of the customs union led to hopes among the Six of further developments in the EEC ; and there was still the need to settle the long-term finance of CAP , a question which had been papered over after de Gaulle 's ‘ empty chair ’ policy .
20 We found out that the sitting room had a timber panelled ceiling which had been papered over and given lots of coats of whitewash .
21 She dragged herself from the sofa and listlessly prepared herself some lunch , making do with bread and Camembert cheese and some of the pâté which had been left over from the night before .
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