Example sentences of "[Wh det] give [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Obsessional neurosis is shown in the patient 's being occupied with thoughts in which he is in fact not interested , in his being aware of impulses which appear very strange to him and his being led to actions the performance of which give him no enjoyment but which it is quite impossible for him to omit .
2 He receives what are called letters of administration , which give him the title to the property ; even where there is a will , but no executor is appointed , there must be a grant of letters of administration cum testamento annexo , ‘ with the will attached ’ .
3 Layton described the four things which stand out in Leonard , which give him the confidence to work as he does , and promote his work : The strong tradition of learning ; the business entrepreneurship of his family ; the broad philanthropy/charity which hall-marked it ; and , lastly , the self-awareness that comes from being a Cohen — not understood as class-distinction , but from the high symbolism of ‘ the priest and his role . ’
4 Casting enables him to ask all sorts of personal questions , which give him an insight into the kind of life that young , beautiful French actresses live .
5 The formal proletariat has control over neither the means of production nor labour power , but its members earn regular wages which give them a security that the mass of the poor lack .
6 And despite the suits , which give them the air of ex-cons , just out from a time-warping jail sentence , they also seem younger than their 50 years apiece .
7 The Young Engineers Clubs aim to encourage a greater number of Scotland 's more able youngsters to continue with subjects which give them the option of tertiary education in science or engineering .
8 The Sword of Justice is encrusted with ancient Dwarf Runes which give it the power of unswerving accuracy and deadly retribution .
9 You buy a trust 's shares , which give you a stake in its investment portfolio .
10 Make a list of any activities which make you buzz with energy , which absorb you so much that time dissolves , or which give you a sense of inner peace and satisfaction .
11 Erm , twelve monthly calendar cards , which give you a month at a glance , an address and telephone section , some personal information sheets which are very exciting , information tables which are irrelevant to daily , erm , life .
12 We shall be leaving Peking for Sian at 11.30 this evening , and the comrades have given us a rousing send off with beautiful presents including a big embroidered tablecloth and napkins , and a beautiful framed picture made out of shells , with an inscription written on it specially for & I. They also gave us the enclosed photos , which give you an idea of what life is like here .
13 There are just six fundamental interpersonal skills which give us a process that is equally applicable in ill situations .
14 Binocular vision is of great importance , for it is two visual fixes on objects in a three-dimensional world which give us a perception of distance .
15 ‘ We must set up processes of measurement which give us the basis for improvement targetting and monitoring progress .
16 She found some reconstituted milk and some no-brand krill , which gave her a bowlful of mush to eat while the old kettle boiled .
17 The next plane was smaller still , which gave her a qualm or two , but the journey was correspondingly shorter , and in next to no time she was disembarking at Grand Cayman 's airport .
18 She had agreed to have a drink with the deputy head of the English department after work , which gave her a bit of time .
19 Gradually she reentered the real world , manifested in the small noises of the night , the moan of the wind in the chimneys , the smoothness of the sheet in her clutching hands , the unnaturally loud ticking of her watch and , above all , in that oblong of pale light , the open casement and the drawn curtains which gave her a view of the faintly luminous star-studded sky .
20 In the light of Point Two , Russia was deprived of the sliver of territory which gave her a toe-hold on the Danube .
21 Fighting to control her ragged breathing , Laura gazed at his expressionless face , which gave her no clue to what he was thinking as he regarded her intently from beneath his heavy eyelids .
22 Such as his momentous climb about Inter 's Colloveti in the Milan derby which gave them a goal to savour in that frenzied city .
23 Brittan was also opposed by the Dutch Commissioner , Frans Andriessen , when investigations were launched into the merger of two Dutch coffee companies , Douwe Egberts and Van Nelle in 1988 , which gave them a 70% market share of the Benelux countries .
24 Beside giving them access to a number of secret SimFic files — files which gave them the location of several special projects Berdichev had instigated — they had also contained several items of particular interest .
25 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
26 Publication of the Crofting Forestry Handbook follows last year 's Crofter Forestry ( Scotland ) Act , which gave them the chance to plant trees on common grazings .
27 The buyers rejected them but , before doing so , obtained from an Italian court a sequestration order which gave them the right to detain the goods against payment of damages .
28 Deliberately nurtured as an élite destined to man the upper reaches of the State , they developed a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of Tsarist society .
29 Yet far from ensuring loyalty to the status quo , their elevated position developed in them a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of tsarist society .
30 In March 1961 the Mirror Group bought Odhams , which gave them the People and 51 per cent of the Daily Herald .
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