Example sentences of "[Wh det] go [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the busy life which goes on in the unconscious profoundly affects our feelings and reactions in our conscious , outer life .
2 All these are not merely parts of our descriptive model ; we assume that they correspond very directly to aspects of the activity which goes on in the mind of speakers ; by contrast the relation of instantiation which links particular items of the English vocabulary and the elements E and P is metalinguistic , since in any particular use of a linguistic structure the word-meanings which are present , supported of course by the word-forms which are the overt carriers of the meanings , are the Es and the Ps , rather than being related to them .
3 The result is an oxygen linkage and a molecule of water which goes off in the sap .
4 So er er th th there were some er quite substantial er discussions and debates which er which er which went on in the family over the years of course .
5 He then attacked a third which went down in a vertical dive , apparently into the sea .
6 It was this message which went out in the eighteenth century , and became enshrined in the First Amendment to the American Constitution .
7 Terrified commuters were already reeling from the first explosion which went off in a flower bed at at 8.39am when the second , larger Semtex blast came 90 minutes later .
8 All of them failed , from the disastrous Purko Sheep Ranch , where the sheep died because the ranch was at too high an altitude , to the four big grazing schemes which went under in the drought of the early 1960s , when people from outside the schemes , under pressure of need , came in to graze on the permanent waters and massive erosion occurred .
9 The observer 's task is then to observe what goes on in a classroom and , every three seconds , to tick the category that best describes what has been happening during that period .
10 Never know what goes on in a nutter 's mind .
11 The local nicks at Penzance and St Ives must have some idea what goes on in a set-up like that on their doorsteps . ’
12 Well that does n't show any er expertise in what goes on in a solicitor 's office at all .
13 I think especially in the , in the hotel project it 's useful to have a little bar chart saying this is what goes on in a bathroom .
14 ’ We ca n't attend their committee meetings which is where all the real decisions are made , and we ca n't get information about what goes on in a committee meeting .
15 The lyric is not generically debarred from standing out against the state , or from taking a generous interest in what goes on in the world .
16 They are just as important though as what goes on in the main body of the conference centre .
17 Terms such as ‘ faggot ’ may be unacceptable to polite society in this age of political correctness , but clearly nothing has altered what goes on in the privacy of the popular conscience .
18 Syria 's response that it ‘ can not control what goes on in the Bekaa ’ and that Turkey ‘ should first try to solve the Kurdish problem within its own borders ’ has served only to confirm Turkish suspicions about Syrian intentions .
19 What these two exponents have in common is their deep concern for the education of children and their considerable reservations about what goes on in the name of education in our present institutions .
20 Classroom infrastructure tends to appear similar in different societies ; what is most various is the bureaucratic superstructure , which attempts to translate rhetoric into regulations and routine procedures for monitoring and controlling what goes on in the classrooms .
21 What goes on in the bedroom remains strictly off-limits .
22 They say that God intervenes directly in a supernatural sense in what goes on in the world .
23 One view is that insider research calls for the free-ranging exploration of what goes on in the classroom without the constraint of any preconceived theory .
24 What goes on in the US today has a habit of repeating itself in the UK tomorrow .
25 Having said this though , it is what goes on in the woman-only space , which defines it as graduated separatism or not .
26 Ted , 51 — now trained in law and first aid — said : ‘ As a cleaner I 've had an insight into what goes on in the cells . ’
27 The first is his idea that language is not a thing apart from the rest of life , and related to it only via what goes on in the mind of the language-user .
28 We therefore found it necessary to look again at the empirical evidence about what goes on in the nuclear family — Who has the power ?
29 If communities can be thought of as houses , we are as concerned to discover what goes on in the bedroom , bathroom and kitchen as in the dining-room and sitting-room .
30 The origins are often to be found by watching and listening to what goes on in the Soccer Specials — the trains and coaches which fans hire to transport themselves to away games .
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