Example sentences of "[Wh det] will [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During these early years children form attitudes and perceptions which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will serve them in years to come .
2 Having tried several adjustments to the system over the past 6 years , I hope this provides a format which will serve us for a good while into the future .
3 Imagine , for instance , a flying machine which will transport you from London to Geneva . ’
4 Hewlett will share other object-oriented technologies for distributed object environments with Informix , which will integrate them into its Open Case/ToolBus environment , which is already based on the Hewlett-Packard SoftBench software development framework .
5 A man who jumps the queue will acquire a reputation which will damage him in later social contacts .
6 The Australians have cleared the all-rounder Steve Waugh for the trip to India despite a back injury which will prevent him from bowling in the tournament .
7 E.g. A lorry driver may sustain an injury which will prevent him from ever driving a lorry again .
8 Such people should be diagnosed by experts and given appropriate treatment which will prevent them from re-offending ; if necessary they can be detained to incapacitate them in the meantime .
9 On the other hand , there is a fair chance that he might find a magic potion which will restore him to full strength and heal his wounds .
10 The question of Mr Brown 's achievements has become more pressing because of a Californian term-limits law ( yes , another initiative ) which will eject him by 1996 from the assembly where he has sat for 27 years .
11 Widnes will come out determined to show their fans that last week 's match has been pushed firmly into the background and turn on the kind of display which will carry them into round two in convincing style .
12 I place the rod in the rest and begin to feed pinches of flake into the current in a spot which will carry them under the raft .
13 For Christmas Day there 's nothing better than a sparkler which will carry you through any first course .
14 I must mention the bridesmaids who have done so much to help my wife , and added glamour to the photographs which will remind us of this very happy occasion .
15 If , as children , we were given healing opportunities to grieve for a range of losses , whether it was falling and losing our precariously-achieved sense of balance , the death of a cat , the breaking of a doll or having to move house , we will have learned skills which will stand us in good stead later .
16 That is a widening of personal opportunity , a lifting of the nation 's educational attainments and a sharpening of our competitive skills which will stand us in good stead for the future .
17 Two handles make the grill pan easy to use , and it has safety stops which will hold it in place leaving both hands free to turn over .
18 Such themes are there if you choose to identify them but they are woven through a tightly-written narrative which will hold you from beginning to end .
19 A message appears which will prompt you for the following information :
20 A message will appear which will prompt you for the following information : ready archive output volume , reply CUU
21 And then when he 'd won he offered Heseltine the had of friendship and promptly he gave him the Poll Tax , which will finish him for ever .
22 The aim is to provide sufficient directional light to make the decorations sparkle , but they should be set against areas of soft shadow which will throw them into relief .
23 MEDIRACE is raising £81.8million through a rights issue to cover most of the cost of the Evans Healthcare acquisition , which will propel it into a much bigger league .
24 engineering bearing experience , we can help them choose a bearing which will enable them to be more competitive .
25 Police on the streets of Northampton today questioning shoppers in a effort to unearth any clue which will lead them to the killer of Arthur Brumhill .
26 You must include the answers to the questions " of what ? " and " by whom ? " , which will lead you into defining your target audiences .
27 They know how to set traps , they know how to ask you questions which will lead you into using emotive words , they will have you on tape , they will also possibly be in a position to edit that tape , and at the end of the day you can not say , ‘ I did n't say that , ’ because I have a piece of tape that says you actually did say it .
28 Rather , learn from your actions and then choose the path which will lead you to inner peace and self-respect .
29 The kernel or essence of what has gone before will , if preserved , initiate a new impetus which will lead us into unexplored territory .
30 What we have now is much more than a game : an exciting story to which we do not know the end ; and a visual image which will lead us to an exciting starting point for a drama , an image which we know has engaged the children .
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