Example sentences of "[Wh det] we [vb base] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is called " sensitive dependence on initial conditions " , a phenomenon which persists even when the strange invariant set becomes attracting ( see below ) and which gives the typical " chaotic " , " turbulent " or " pseudo-random " behaviour which we associate with a " strange attractor " .
2 The " we-group solidarity which we associate with the intimacy of kinship , in the sense just described , tends to ramify outwards through the whole social system .
3 It is a journey in time , which we begin with an experience which completely absorbs our attention but which , at a certain psychological point , demands change .
4 16.7 Reading is also one of the means by which we interact with the society in which we live .
5 Concepts are formed from numerous percepts of similar things , and are the way by which we deal with the millions of percepts we form daily .
6 This argument may be exemplified by considering one of the mechanisms through which we deal with the everyday world .
7 As we stood to say the apostle 's creed during the communion service yesterday a statement of faith which we share with every part of the Christian church throughout the world I concluded that this statement was unnecessary .
8 What we plead with the government all the time is allow us a regime , a financial regime , that is reasonable and stable in order to do that .
9 We could replace what we have with a proposition relating variation in the operation of the heater , variation in its relative position , and so on , with variation in the temperature of the driver 's knee .
10 manual expression ( the child is requested to ‘ Show me what we do with a … ’ ) .
11 Now , pedicures is really a manicure of the toes , but what we do with a pedicure , we actually rub away the hard skin that you may have on the bottom of your feet , on the side of your big toe , that 's usually where it builds up , or on the ball of the foot .
12 And what we do with the eyebrows , we do n't just use a pair of tweezers we actually use wax , so if you 've got quite a lot of hair underneath your brow , we never take from above the brow , just below , if you 've got quite a lot of hair , it can be painful if you 're just using tweezers , so what we do now we use a little bit of hot wax , which is pink , so we put some wax under the brow , either side , let the wax erm , cool and set , and then pull the wax off .
13 Yet that is what we do with the voice when we stand badly . ’
14 Remember what we do with the network normally is to present an input get an output see if it 's correct .
15 I think that I would like those considerations borne in mind by Mr when he 's doing his report , and I 'd like us to have a very open view about what we do with the County Farms .
16 Now if the Government wish to restrict the capital borrowing that we can make , which they do anyway , why do they need to restrict , also , what we do with the results of any spending , why do n't they allow us to spend it perhaps , on the roads , that Mr would like to see built ?
17 Oh yeah all the all the hits er like er Bunch of Time and and Maggie and Old Flames and after all these years , if did n't do those you 'd be shot afterwards like but er what we do with the songs that that were like you know hit singles and that people really come to hear we make sure that you know that we do those and then we put in er you know what we think would be the favourite ones from albums and then we add in a sprinkling of the stuff from the new album so you know we give them a good cross-section for an hour and a half and then we have a good first half of the show as well we 've got first half of the show as well and our band go on with him for forty minutes and er they perform as well a few soloists and er then Tony and myself come on and we do an hour and a half and we go right everything we do on stage we have recorded at some time , we do n't do something that we have n't recorded .
18 Whatever we do with a horse from the beginning of its life will influence the creation of habits or forms of behaviour which it may well keep for the rest of its life .
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