Example sentences of "[Wh det] the [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 Turning to what has been termed the analytical approach to materials in which the reasons for the macroscopically observed behaviour are sought in molecular configurations and other aspects of microstructure , there has been a recent acceleration of research into polymer chain configurations and their modification by stress and deformation .
2 There has also been a meeting in Bremen during which the conditions for the return of the Bremen collection were worked out .
3 In the original DES document in which the proposals for the schools were outlined the overall aim was said to fit in with the Government 's aims set out in their document Better schools , ‘ to improve standards ’ being the key phrase .
4 The ISS curriculum proposals aroused less controversy in ILEA than those of TNC in part because of the very different curriculum philosophy within which the proposals for the fourth and fifth years were set .
5 Jotan indicated the second staircase , a precipitous exit which turned back from the landing and passed through the wall against which the props for the staging were supported .
6 Ten years in which the battles for the film 's production and the sanity of its maker began to resemble John Milius ' script , an update of Joseph Conrad 's Heart Of Darkness .
7 It seems to me to magnify the difficulty of that particular operation if it has to be conducted under any sort of time pressure which the arrangements for the hearing on 3 February 1992 seemed to entail .
8 Whatever the consequences for the other participants , there can be little doubt that the Communist Party benefited in strength and influence from these joint activities .
9 Whatever the reasons for the latter , Labour was able to fill the political vacuum created , not as an automatic or natural beneficiary , but because of the electoral advances gained from growth of the trade unions .
10 Whatever the reasons for the differences , the range of energy levels is wide .
11 Whatever the reasons for the current state of affairs , selling overseas has been , and always will remain , one of the keystones of our national prosperity .
12 Whatever the problems for the CNAA and for the institutions , and however irritating it was for DES officers or some college principals , the CNAA was working methodically to ensure that complex questions of comparability of standards were resolved to the satisfaction of the various parts of the validating machinery .
13 Not only is it impossible now to tell what the figures for the future will actually mean for the service , but even the informed observer or MP can not tell what has been happening .
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