Example sentences of "[Wh det] he had just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It deadened his days and brought him upright in the night , running with sweat and fear , his arms held out clutching the gun with which he had just shot his mother .
2 In those moments , those final moments as he took her and reached ecstasy , she had been able to believe he loved her , felt something for her ; and , though she knew he did not , she was moved , wanted to retain those precious moments which he had just given her when he had finally stripped the mask away and let her see how human he was as he merged with her and lost himself inside her .
3 ‘ Oh , be quiet , do , you stupid dog ! ’ scolded the housekeeper , slapping the animal smartly on his nose so that he leapt back down off the bed on to which he had just jumped .
4 Seb should have been overjoyed at the news that Anna was not to marry the educated young gipsy , but he knew that unless Boz explained it to her — preferably in a more diplomatic way than the manner with which he had just broken the news to Seb — she would be devastated .
5 In 1944 her son , Dr Istvan Csicsery-Rónay , prevailed on the Soviet commander to return the contents , with which he had just made off .
6 Later , when they lay quiet and apart once more , Maria thought about his attitude , adding it to the oddly driven way in which he had just made love to her .
7 The Act which he had just steered through Parliament faced Emanuel with difficult choices : should it remain fully independent and operate outside the State system , or should it be incorporated within the local provision of schooling and become a voluntary-aided school ?
8 Dad was not prepared to stand any more and got out of the chair into which he had just flopped .
9 Morse held up the photograph of Theodore Kemp which he had just removed from the living room .
10 He nodded in the direction of the medieval arch through which he had just driven .
11 He produced the unpublished manuscript of a book he has written about his experiment , which he had just had translated into English .
12 As an example , he opened a case of red mullet — the fashionable restaurant fish of the moment — which he had just bought .
13 When he bent to the floor and picked up her dress and draped it anyhow over her , though making sure that her breasts , which he had just termed ‘ exquisite ’ , were covered , she knew he was very much off her too .
14 Reporting on Nov. 21 on the results of his week-long tour of Eastern Europe from which he had just returned , Botha noted the establishment of consular ties with Czechoslovakia and Romania .
15 What he had just done was sentence her to another day of hell .
16 He could not believe what he had just lived through .
17 ‘ That probably sounds pompous , ’ adds Laing apologetically , reflecting on what he had just said .
18 ‘ Nice to meet you , Chief Inspector , ’ he said with automatic politeness , then considered what he had just said , decided it was beyond explanation and led them upstairs to his office .
19 But something nagged at her about what he had just said .
20 Then the comrade had repeated , word for word , what he had just said .
21 The superintendent asked if he really meant what he had just said .
22 His words rang in the clear air and she could feel her head swimming from the enormity of what he had just said .
23 What he had just said , if that was what he had said , was as frightening as anything else that had happened since my dad died .
24 Of course , the irony of what he had just said escaped him , but it caused Shiona to smile a bitter inner smile .
25 What he had just said hit her like a douche of cold water , and instantly Leith , while wanting to hammer the living daylights out of him , — although still forgetful of her tenuous job position — was otherwise working on full brain power .
26 Her heart was acting so erratically that she could hardly analyse what he had just said .
27 Got out paper and pencil to try and think through the implications of what he had just seen , then gave up and started off home .
28 When he took the ale into the warm farmhouse living room and saw everyone standing around the crackling log fire with food and drinks in their hands , he thought again of what he had just seen through the kitchen window .
29 He did n't really believe it , all the time he was being dragged through near-empty streets which were no longer silent , but filled with curious brawls , or outbursts of squealing or , what he had just heard , the sound of terrified retching .
30 Nothing would be quite the same after what he had just heard .
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