Example sentences of "[Wh det] have [been] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 It is a love which has been kept in ignorance : have n't women been kept uninformed for long enough ?
2 It is the ability of the proposed applicants to manage the trusts which has been borne in mind among the criteria that I have had to consider .
3 So clear is this conclusion to my mind that , notwithstanding anything which has been said in other cases , I would be very slow to concede that the word ‘ appropriates ’ in section 1(1) is in its context ambiguous .
4 A certified cheque is an ordinary cheque which has been certified in writing by a bank as being good .
5 A second , less publicised but in many ways more interesting and far-reaching , experiment in new forms of work organisation is that which has been conducted in the other Swedish car company , SAAB , at Trollhatten .
6 It is not yet clear how many criteria teachers and others can be expected to manage , or find useful , but the limited amount of research and observation which has been conducted in this area suggests that teachers do not always work at a high level of detailed information .
7 Almost every excavation which has been conducted in the area bounded by the River Alne on the east and north-east , the marsh on the north and north-west , Ryknild Street on the west and the boundary ditch on the south has produced evidence , however slight , for structures of one sort or another , and it is clear that the whole town was several times the size of the walled area .
8 ‘ We would be paying the penalty of a sizeable but limited number of professional people , selected for their talent and experience , coming from one of the most successful societies which has been created in the 20th century . ’
9 Above Eaux-Bonnes is the ski resort of Gourette , which has been created in the kind of setting ski resorts ought to have , in pasture-land but at the foot of the formidable mass of the Pic de Ger to the south .
10 Here consultation of an inverted file which has been constructed in the indexing of the text may aid in identifying word forms and search terms .
11 The show , the biggest and best yet , featured not only competitions but continued with its farming and countryside theme , which has been popularised in years gone by .
12 One particular change in this pattern which has been detected in Scotland is structurally quite different from the New York City change :
13 The Halifax Building Society has also produced a booklet called Home Help for Widows , which has been compiled in conjunction with the National Association for Widows and gives practical advice on property matters .
14 Perhaps emphasis at this level has been upon soil evolution rather than upon soil dynamics , which has been treated in relation to land capability .
15 French trappers adopted this name , translating it to Nez Percés , which has been corrupted in English to their modern name of Nez Perces , or simply Nez Perce .
16 Stir the sauce into freshly cooked pasta which has been tossed in butter .
17 Then when you stop dieting , the body , which has been acting in a kind of starvation mode , finds that it has become used to its new BMR and requires less calories to function .
18 While the approach taken by the US courts has been much more progressive than that which has been adopted in Britain , it is nonetheless clear that in neither jurisdiction do directors owe a duty of disclosure when trading on impersonal stock exchange markets .
19 I attach a copy of that which has been adopted in England .
20 In Yip Kai-foon the Privy Council rejected the solution which has been adopted in some jurisdictions of directing the jury to convict of the offence which they consider to be more probable .
21 Perhaps they have read or heard of some of the research which has been done in this field in recent years , and it has opened up their minds .
22 I understand this theory and , while I am not able to disprove it , I feel that , in the light of all the research which has been done in more recent times , it leaves too many gaps which no one has yet been able to fill .
23 In this assessment of the sexual climate we may now look at some of the more reputable work which has been done in this country to analyse sexual experience and attitudes among our population .
24 And it 's a patch clamp recording which has been done in an inside-out patch , that is with the physiological inside of the membrane facing the bathing medium , so we have experimental control over what the er physiological inside of the membrane is seeing here .
25 Reference has already been made to this and it has been emphasised that the requirement of a nominal monetary value is an arbitrary and illogical one which has been rejected in certain other common law jurisdictions .
26 Such an example is the alternation between [ in ] and [ i ? ] on the ing form of verbs , which has been studied in a number of places .
27 A very good example of a complex form is provided by the cuspate foreland of Dungeness ( Plate 31 ) , which has been studied in detail by Lewis ( 1932 ) , whose ideas on its formation are indicated in Fig. 8.31 .
28 Ingenuity can sometimes suggest ambiguity or obscurity where none exists in fact , and if the instant case were to be thought to justify the exercise of combing through reports of Parliamentary proceedings in the hope of unearthing some perhaps incautious expression of opinion in support of an improbable secondary meaning , the relaxation of the rule might indeed lead to the fruitless expense and labour which has been prayed in aid in the past as one of the reasons justifying its maintenance .
29 Lord Oliver of Aylmerton commented that ‘ ingenuity can sometimes suggest ambiguity or obscurity where none exists in fact , and if the instant case were to be thought to justify the exercise of combing through reports of parliamentary proceedings in the hope of unearthing some perhaps incautious expression of opinion in support of an improbable secondary meaning , the relaxation of the rule might indeed lead to the fruitless expense and labour which has been prayed in aid in the past as one of the reasons justifying its maintenance ’ .
30 A drill which has been expanded in order to give the student time to respond to a stimulus , and which is the kind of drill used in a taped programme in a language laboratory .
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