Example sentences of "[Wh det] have [been] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 This change has , however , been accompanied by a rise in home ownership and an explosion in house prices , which has been the second force at work affecting the distribution of wealth .
2 Witness Poland , which has been the first to recover from three years of relentless slump .
3 By contrast Sofia , the capital , was the stronghold of the UDF , which comprised some 16 different parties or movements ranging from the environmental group Eco-Glasnost ( which had been the first to oppose the former communist regime — see p. 36980 ) to Podkrepa , the rapidly growing free trade union movement .
4 Saturated world markets , together with the international embargo against Iraq ( which had been the fifth largest importer of Canadian wheat in 1989 ) , meant , however , that the country 's transport and storage facilities were placed under considerable strain .
5 It proved a fitting finale to what had been the first period of sustained fighting in the war .
6 They were said to face summary execution if found guilty of complicity in what had been the fifth rumoured coup attempt since the military took power in June 1989 .
7 I did n't know what had been the last meal eaten before leaving South America but it took me twenty minutes to coathanger my way through it , and consequently I had missed breakfast .
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