Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] [noun pl] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Dungannon District Council has voted to scrap the Post Office addressing system which insists letters must include house numbers and road names .
2 This is why it is absurd to lay down specifications as to which books children should have read by the time they are eleven , or what kind of mathematical problems they should be able to solve .
3 They were challenging the ‘ pay now sue later ’ principle at Lloyd 's , which says names should pay cash calls first and fight them later .
4 The strategy included plans ( i ) to develop a new , voluntary nationwide examination system of " American Achievement Tests " in the core subjects of English , mathematics , science , history and geography ; ( ii ) to promote parental choice as to which schools children should attend ; ( iii ) to establish a business-financed , non-profit-making organization to develop non-traditional types of school , which would receive limited federal funding ; and ( iv ) to boost vocational training by encouraging business and labour to devise ( voluntary ) skill standards and " skill certificates " .
5 This is a session of 45 minutes which means reports will require to be fairly concise .
6 Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on three hundred travellers from Enstone aerodrome … an act which means Police can move on travellers where there are more than twelve vcehicles camped … powers the Home and Office and certain Police forces beleiev are tough enough .
7 Mr Smith renewed his demand for publication of Government law officers ' advice which suggests ministers may ignore whatever the Commons votes on the social chapter .
8 At this point it is necessary to ask on what grounds socialists would wish to see an investment project of this nature ( i.e. unprofitable in the face of market competition ) supported within the framework of investment planning .
9 Dear Resident , The Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards ( CIMAH ) Regulations introduced by the UK Government in 1984 required many chemical companies with large stocks of potentially hazardous chemicals to notify local residents that such chemicals are being stored or used and what actions residents should take in the event of a serious emergency .
10 In Chapter 4 we discuss the relationship between some of these factors , and conclude that the most crucial is the pattern of decisions by the courts : not only about what sentences offenders should receive ( whether they should be sent to custody and , if so , for how long ) , but also decisions about which counts they should be tried in and whether they should be remanded in custody in the meantime .
11 The problem created by people generally not knowing what services solicitors can provide is well documented .
12 This leaves the problem of where and under what conditions prisoners would serve their sentences .
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