Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the later stages of the field surveys which were made for this Flora , the National Vegetation Classification project ( NVC ) was being carried out .
2 FLYING SCOTSMAN SERVICES have cancelled their two Welshman services which were planned for this month .
3 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
4 Standing in the Townley Room and looking through to the sculptures displayed next door ( Room 83 ) , most of which were intended for public display , one is well aware of the reduced scale and decorative qualities sought by the private collector who wined and dined amidst his collection .
5 This reports the result of the vote and includes details of : the number and value of the shareholders of the class ; those present in person or by proxy ; the number and value of the holders of the class who voted for and against the scheme ( and whether in person or by proxy ) ; any members who abstained from voting ; and particulars of any proxies which were rejected for any reason by the chairman .
6 It was difficult to see how the RPF would be able to advance the Bayeux agenda until the next legislative elections , which were scheduled for 1951 .
7 In addition , branch and class members paid annual capitation subscriptions which were earmarked for three purposes : 20% was retained by the branch , 40% was remitted to the District and the other 40% was forwarded to the National Association .
8 Mixed institutions , the greater part of which were used for other than hospital purposes , were to remain with the local authority and would not be taken into the National Health Service .
9 Brabin J. commented on the site chosen for the defendant 's premises which were used for fat rendering , an offensive trade .
10 At recent book fairs in London and Florence , publishers were not even able to make use of stands which were provided for free , since they simply had nothing to show .
11 On the other hand , the LEAs were expanding their provision through a diversified range of courses of ‘ instruction ’ in practical skills , many of which were provided for occupational qualifications at ‘ night schools ’ or evening institutes .
12 The report of Planning , Industrial and Economic Development Advisers , which was prepared for British Rail , goes into more detail on that critical point : ’ Stratford is not strongly placed to attract high quality uses , such as corporate headquarters or European Community institutions .
13 Both of these can be avoided by delegating nursery schools on a similar basis to the delegation which was made for ordinary schools and again you consulted about that and the proposal laid in this report .
14 A general purpose for leisure viewing would be to give the learner the experience of getting information and enjoyment from viewing a programme which was made for native speakers .
15 Perhaps the best indication is that the initial flight , which was scheduled for 20 minutes , lasted well over an hour .
16 Half the fleet had arrived by last night , including the joint services yacht Satquote British Defender , which was beaten for eighth place by only 37 minutes by the first of the three Finnish challengers , Martela OF .
17 Chamberlain was deputed to handle all negotiations in his absence , and in particular to attend a meeting of the leaders of the three parties which was fixed for that same Tuesday .
18 Also of major importance in the local campaign was a programme transmitted on Ulster Television describing the experiences of a community in Hambach , West Germany , which was relocated for similar reasons .
19 In addition to building the RRS and the Rothera airstrip , BAS replaced its research station Halley , located on a fast moving ice-shelf , and bought a De Vailland Dash 7 aircraft , which was converted for Antarctic operation .
20 Of total expenditure of NRs26,600 million ( approximately US$620,000,000 ) , NRs16,890 million ( US$395,000,000 ) was allocated for development , most of which was earmarked for rural areas .
21 She and Neil McCorquodale , a former Coldstream Guards officer , had abruptly called off their wedding which was planned for later in February .
22 At childrens ' hall , which was picketed for two days , picketed for two days , by this now happy band of Labour people in
23 Initial oven temperature was 150° which was maintained for eight minutes ; afterwards , it was increased at a rate of 3 °/minute; up to 210°C .
24 There is no doubt that this map was a landmark in the improvement of the outline of Scotland , which was to last for twenty years .
25 Thus , he set up his own windsurfing and surfing business at Whitesands which was to run for 2 years .
26 Zinoviev , presiding over the Congress , blurred these differences and declared that just as the Russian Communist party was assisting the Chinese communists , so the French and Dutch parties should take care of Indonesia and Indo-China ; a curiously neo-colonialist policy which was to persist for several years .
27 Even as Mrs Thatcher stood triumphant for the third time on the stairs at Central Office the applauding apparatchiks were already honing the knives for the Saatchi team which was blamed for various mid-campaign woes .
28 Contrary to her firm intention of not breakfasting with Ven , however , since he was standing by the table which was set for two when she again entered the sitting-room , she thought it would be infantile in the extreme to carry on with that intention .
29 This was firmly stated in the report of the closure feasibility studies which was produced for public consultation .
30 The most interesting item was a Q.V double florin which was sold for many times more than its 20p face value , leading the purchaser to complain ( with a smile ) about being ‘ ripped-off ’ .
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