Example sentences of "[Wh det] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is often easier to locate the leak with the water in , or by marking the water level at which to search for the leak , unless of course the fault is in the bottom of the pool .
2 The prospects for management buy-outs are really very bleak , the reason for that is that the franchises which we 're hearing about are likely to be very short , the franchisee will own no assets , no land , no rolling stock , nothing with which to go to the bank as security for loan .
3 The business of today must be ; clean up the mess , stop any further deterioration , consider that options and make a plan by which to proceed with the reconstruction .
4 Fish likewise require as much sunlight as possible if they are to retain their brilliant colours and make satisfactory growth , although they do appreciate a shady corner in which to glide during the heat of a summer 's day .
5 Usually they stalk and spring like the tiger but they are such skilful climbers that a branch over-hanging a game trail provides the perfect place of ambush from which to leap onto the prey below .
6 I have no information with which to write to the Chairman of the Committee asking it to investigate the sale .
7 A Scotland Yard spokesman said last night : ‘ In response to complaints expressed by a number of people , including some from the legal profession , it has been decided that the use of plastic sheets in surveillance logs [ note books ] — used as a firm backing on which to write in the street — will be withdrawn . ’
8 Clearly , the hon. and learned Member for Montgomery and the hon. Member for Swansea , East ( Mr. Anderson ) take an entirely different view which I do not believe would be an effective way in which to deal with the problem .
9 Secondly , the Home Secretary and his colleagues have found a way in which to deal with the problem swiftly and , I believe , to remove the uppermost element .
10 This is a separate head under which to deal with the solicitor 's duty to his colleagues to attend to his work with proper expedition and to achieve a satisfactory level of performance to justify his agreed profit share .
11 As a resort it has changed though , having passed out of the possession of the royals and their followers and into that principally of the world 's surfers , who come to this coast for technical reasons , because it has by all accounts the best waves in Europe on which to perch for the ride into town .
12 Eliot saw the savage here as simply a base from which to start in the critique of the modern .
13 If the patient is safe sitting up , he should be left alone for privacy while he is passing urine or faeces , and he should have a bell to summon help , or perhaps a stick with which to knock on the wall or floor .
14 Nor is it uncommon for there to be such poor recording of achievement ( as well as diagnosis of weaknesses ) that a teacher has relatively little on which to build from the child 's teacher of the previous year .
15 The Pátio is an interesting oasis in which to rest from the hustle and bustle of Funchal .
16 ‘ Community ’ and informal care therefore provide appropriate contexts within which to argue for the value of women 's unpaid caring work to be recognised , as Land ( 1991 ) and Ungerson ( 1990 ) have recently done .
17 It is a tough world in which to survive at the moment .
18 There is surely something very odd about insisting that I need more than the fact that I love cats and hate dogs to decide which to have about the house .
19 Kangaroo rats and spring-hares use their holes , as the tortoise does , to shelter from the heat ; hyaenas and wolves as nurseries ; badgers and armadillos as dormitories in which to slumber during the day after foraging at night ; and mice and rabbits as sanctuaries where they are beyond the reach of most of their enemies .
20 After recycling , we must find the safest way in which to dispose of the waste .
21 One of the principal difficulties faced by the Russians at present is that they have no effective distribution system whatsoever to deal with the aid that is available to them .
22 Well , a bit I intend carrying on as the parliamentary candidate and somebody had obviously asked Dave why it is something has nothing whatsoever to do with the constituency .
23 ‘ My pleasure , ’ he murmured suavely , and from then until Mrs Novakova came in to tell them that dinner was ready he engaged her in surface conversation that had nothing whatsoever to do with the reason for why she was there .
24 But these civil servants and other well-remunerated Brussels officials forget or ( what is even worse ) do not understand that the smuggling of excavated goods and tribal art has nothing whatsoever to do with the trade in Old Masters , modern paintings and other Western art from the developed world .
25 A major problem was what to include in the Bill and what to leave out .
26 However there is still the problem of exactly what to include in the word list .
27 In order to decide what to include in the questionnaire we drew first of all on issues which had emerged in the two case studies .
28 DO YOU wake up every morning dreading the decision about what to wear to the office ?
29 I really need some advice about what to wear for the wedding . ’
30 Instead of how to stimulate demand sufficiently to absorb all that the machines could produce , the problem was what to substitute for the planet 's fast-diminishing raw material and energy resources .
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