Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another factor which may be the responsibility of the salesperson is deciding on call frequency .
2 Traditional values had to be re-established , and it is this which may be the heritage of Conservative law and order .
3 Police have uncovered a hoard of stolen property which may be the tip of the iceberg in a million-pound series of burglaries .
4 10.4 Each Non-academic Party undertakes to monitor its results for material which may be the subject of applications for IPR protection .
5 The project , which may be the subject of announcements around the UniForum trade show next month , is among a number of similar joint developments Oracle has been working on in conjunction with symmetrical multi-processor ( SMP ) hardware suppliers , including Pyramid rivals Sequent Computer Systems Inc and NCR Corp ( UX No 325 ) .
6 In respect of any event which may be the subject of indemnity under this Section the Corporation will pay the Solicitors fee for representation at any Coroners Inquest or Fatal Accident Inquiry or Court of Summary Jurisdiction.Exceptions to Part A 4 In the event of the death of any person entitled to indemnity under this Section the Corporation will in respect of the liability incurred by such person indemnify his legal personal representatives in the terms and subject to the limitations which applied to such person .
7 Exceptions may be made for specific schedules which may be the subject of separate warranties .
8 Examples of information relevant to computers which may be the subject matter of confidence include : Ideas for a new or improved computer system , hardware and software .
9 Which may be the measure of his quality , ’ said Cadfael firmly , ‘ or of his cunning .
10 If you have several galls , more adults should emerge in the course of the next week or two , some of which may be the adults of inquiline insects .
11 Acceptance is defined to be the doing of that act ( which may be the giving of a promise or the rendering of a performance ) which is requested by the offeror in exchange for his promise ; it is the response to the offer .
12 Needless to say , before you start any treatment for Hexamita and indeed any other disease , check the underlying factors which may be the stress factors listed earlier .
13 The private dwelling which may be the course of personal fulfilment and growth may also be the centre and source of child- or wife-beating .
14 Art politics or cultural history are favourite themes for such reviewers , apart from the spectrum of cognate disciplines which may be the specialities of writers who are only occasionally concerned with art .
15 Alasdair Gray 's Lanark gives evidence of the evolution of forms which may be the result .
16 The focal nature of the inflammatory and architectural changes , which may be the result of direct contact with static faecal residue , are clearly shown .
17 In the latter case , after pivoting , implicit basic variable x J ( or σ J ) becomes non-basic and the row in which its partner is basic , which may be the pivot or another row , is dropped , to ensure that only one of ( U J and x J is retained in the next tableau .
18 In those years it is the sudden traumatic experience which may be the spark to engage fierce enthusiasms in their educational development .
19 They are , characteristically , endowed with immense numbers of physical and social properties , any one of which may be the property which is relevant to a particular communicative act .
20 What is not remarked upon , is that Sickert 's work represents a corpse , possibly the victim of a sexual murder and it is this particular setting which may be the source of Bomberg 's imagery .
21 Thus every individual needs to be regarded as having a unique set of problems , some of which may have encouraged him or her to drink too much , and some of which may be the outcome of the drinking , rather than being thought of as an ‘ alcoholic ’ or an ‘ addict ’ .
22 We sought to investigate the hypothesis that episodes of spontaneous gastro-oesophageal reflux cause reflex UOS relaxations , which may be the mechanism of regurgitation rather than a deficiency of basal UOS tone .
23 We therefore need to ask the question of each test method : " It is valid to assume from the observed relation between the measured quantities ( which may be the movement of a pointer or the change of a voltage ) that a certain universal property exists in the body being tested ? "
24 Modelling of the deep magnetic boundaries has provided good correlations with reflectivity boundaries picked up on deep seismic surveys , and images of the data and their derivatives have suggested the presence of major structural boundaries , both parallel and oblique to what is conventionally taken to be the Iapetus suture , which may be the margins of terrains assembled as part of a broader zone .
25 Because they operate at grassroots level , they involve people in the issues that really matter to them , which may be the reason why they have often been so dynamic .
26 Certainly its thinking is complemented by a knowledge of the longer text which may be the reason for its appearing after both books of the Scale in the early printed editions .
27 Computer Peripherals : Smuggling in the computer as a CD player George Black takes a looks at multimedia , which may be the ace that leads the industry out of slump
28 In giving patronage to Namibia 's artists , the media would be fostering a vital symbiotic relationship between media practitioners and culture creators , the two social groups which should be the critics of the nation 's political and socio-economic life and the conscience of our society .
29 In giving patronage to Namibia 's artists , the media would be fostering a vital symbiotic relationship between media practitioners and culture creators , the two social groups which should be the critics of the nation 's political and socio-economic life and the conscience of our society .
30 Mark the bit shank to control the depth , which should be the depth of the lock body , plus the thickness of the face plate .
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